Preparedness Archive
Not a lot completed this past week. Completed 299 Days Book 5 – for the second time. What a great series. I think it is likely the most realistic …
Current Events
Rourke: The following is reprinted with permission via The original post can be seen HERE. Now that Hillary (“Hitlery”) Rodham Clinton (HRC) has received the Democratic Party …
Here is the second of a weekly installment discussing an episode of the popular TV series – Jericho – which aired originally back in 2006. Every Tuesday night we are …
This past week flew by. Had planned to go to my brothers place in Georgia but had to cancel last minute due to some issues with my 17 year …
Here is the first of a weekly installment discussing an episode of the popular TV series – Jericho – which aired originally back in 2006. Every Tuesday night …
Hope everyone is staying cool wherever you are. Here in South Carolina the heat is just flat out intense. Have had a pretty good week. Spent a lot of time …
One of my favorite TV shows of all time is Jericho. Never seen it? Here is a brief synopsis: A small town in Kansas is literally left in the dark …
This list has been around for a long time with a few slightly different versions out there. Take a look. Are there items that should be on the list? …
Check out this video from There is a lot of metaphorical meaning represented. I think it’s really well done and is certainly motivational. My Patriot Supply is an official affiliate …
A few things worked on this week: Continued work clearing out the garden of weeds, grass and plants that have gone by. So looking forward to the Fall and …
Having just been eaten nearly alive by chiggers on a recent excursion (I could send pictures, if I could stop scratching long enough to take them), I went searching …
This is the second of a new ongoing series – Take Action – whch will emphasize a very specific action to take based on my recommendations. The recommendation may be …
Emergency Essentials continues their monthly specials by hosting another fantastic one for July. Highlighted this month are their usual food storage solutions as well as several water storage and …
One of my favorite TV shows of all time is Jericho. Never seen it? Here is a brief synopsis: A small town in Kansas is literally left in the dark …
This past week has been an interesting one. I drove approx 9.5 hours and met up with Goingray58 and Panhandle Rancher and spent a couple days with them. I …
Preparedness was just approved as an official affiliate for popular survival & preparedness retailer They are a major supplier of food storage products, long term storage seeds, water …
Not a lot of prepping done this week as in putting back supplies. Had to work some night shifts and deal with typical “teenage boy being stupid” stuff. One …
Current Events
Alright folks – another installment of “Q & A Day”. Basically, ask me a question and I will give you an answer. It can be about pretty much …
What a week. Congress continued to debate gun control measures – none of which would have prevented the Orlando terrorist attack to begin with. This entire gun control debate …
Over the last few weeks I have been testing the Manker U11 LED flashlight. I was sent this flashlight free of charge from for my honest review. The …
North Korea now has two orbiting satellites that periodically pass above the United States. Many are concerned that one or both of these satellites could contain a nuclear …
Guns & Stuff
This last week has been interesting. With gun control being a hot topic and many in Congress agreeing that some measure of gun control legislation is needed gun shops …
I have been working on the latest incarnation of my electronic survival library. Using a Kindle Fire 7″ tablet I’ve loaded it with many books, magazines, manuals, guides,PDF’s – …
I’m of that generation who drove old pickup trucks to school at age 14 (yes, we had paper driver’s licenses at that age and before, way back then) …
Not a whole lot accomplished this week….. Accepted delivery of a CIMA Fixed Edge Knife from I ordered it about 3 weeks ago and sitting on my table …
Rourke: The Panhandle Rancher sent this in recently. Thanks PR!! Readers might be interested in the amount of equipment the wife and I travel with. Depending on how …
The most major accomplishment this week was a “Tactical Response” class I attended with Prepper Ralph(my co-host on The Patriot Podcast). This class was offered by Wolf-Fire Firearms based …
Current Events
This is the first of a new ongoing series – Take Action – which will emphasize a very specific action to take based on my recommendations. The recommendation may …
This week was I spent a lot of time trialing my Sawyer Bucket Kit and enjoyed the success. Most important thing in putting the kit together is screwing the …
I am pleased to offer up a great giveaway sponsored by There are 5 items listed. You can choose which item you think would make the best gift for the …