Here is the tenth of a weekly installment discussing an episode of the popular TV series – Jericho – which aired originally back in 2006. Every Tuesday night we are watching an episode and then will discuss what happens the following day. It can be watched free on Netflix or purchased on VUDU. Jericho is also available on DVD.
Someone airdrops several packages of supplies in the area around Jericho. Some bad guys come in and take a generator. The town organizes to go in and take the generator back while a mysterious character steals it back to prevent a firefight.
Controversy erupts over who gets the dropped supplies while an election is pending for Mayor.
One of the main characters end the episode in not very good condition.
One of my favorite episodes. The Fall has arrived in Jericho and Thanksgiving is right around the corner. Concerns over the coming winter emphasizes the importance of stocking up on supplies and also to consider off grid warmth. Jericho is becoming more violent with outside forces creating issues. This is overdue and no doubt would happen sooner in reality.
Football games(fun) and “love” will continue regardless of the conditions as humans adapt and look for ways to maintain their sanity. Something to consider as far as preps: birth control. A pregnancy with minimal medical care could be disastrous.
Security remains a constant issue in Jericho and is a lesson to be learned. Bad people exist and you never know where they may be. Patrols, “neighborhood watches”, and security forces are needed – as well as rules.
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From the Supply Depot: RECOMMENDED MOVIES/TV
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I’ve jumped way ahead here and I have to say I will be sorry when the episodes end. These are pretty well written, with great characters, surprises, and some realistic extrapolations from current situations. One continuing quibble I have is how many people in a small town would survive being gut shot. I see bad folks in the MSM being shot seven times and surviving, maybe just lucky. Did you say at the beginning that people were trying to get this show back?
I remember looking forward to the show every week when it was on tv, it might have been one of the turning points to me becoming a prepper. Wished they would bring it back
Doomsday and Fred I agree. Loved the show and have enjoyed rewatching the episodes. I looked forward to it each week. Wish they would redo it updated, think people would get into it and it would be a hit.
While the town is starting to do patrols, the air drop of supplies was handled horribly by the town. Just putting it out in the middle of the street and have a near riot break out because the people were hungry – anyone notice the items on the pallets? Few things to note, How Gracie’s is becoming the trading hub for supplies – inside the walk in cooler a array of barter items on the shelves. Johan’s group was inside a compound of away from town with guards and such. A abandoned factory or a U-Store it lot would make a pretty decent ‘compound’ for a group with it’s fences and structures already erected, even if it’s just a short term event/bugout. Also notice how the “gang” was far better armed then the townspeople when they went to retrieve the generator? The townsfolk would have lost that battle quite easily. Utilizing the generator to run strings of lights in the city center was a utter waste of precious resources, something like that would seriously make me rethink just who is in charge and their overall game plan was – the better half even said, “why waste gas to run a few lights like that, that’s just stupid.” And you’re right JR, even during the SHTF having time to keep traditions may be that uplifting everyone needs to feel human. A long time ago I started making up little boxes called “holiday boxes”. It’s enough for a meal for Thanksgiving and Christmas for our family. It contained seasonal themed plates, canned veggies, stuffing, canned ham, canned turkey, gravy and bottle of wine, hot chocolate etc. I rotate it out every two years and this year is when it’s time to be rotated. In the boxes I also include deck of cards, dice and couple crossword puzzle books, pencil & box of crayons. Sorry for the rambling.
Good points all around jh. I’ve watched all these episodes so many times some points have become oblivious to me.
The compound outside of town reminded me of the prison set up in The Walking Dead. Structures such as that would provide great benefits especially to those that find themselves homeless/on the road BUT have the ability to defend it.
I like the idea of the “holiday boxes”. They would be great for morale.
jh….i revisit posts to catch late comments and hope you do too because i wanted to let you know how much i like the holiday themed boxes you shared about. With Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years just around the corner it is already on our radar and would be fairly simple to accomplish. Agreed with JR, good points all around….thanks !