My Top 5 Favorite Apocalyptic Movies

Over the last week, I have watched a couple of newer movies with distinct apocalyptic themes. This got me thinking of my favorites.  One of the reasons I enjoy watching these kinds of movies is they get me thinking of possible scenarios.

Here are my top 5 favorite apocalyptic movies.

1. Red Dawn

2. I Am Legend

3. The Book of Eli

4. The Day After Tomorrow

5. Contagion

These have been out for a while, however, they still rank up there as my favorites. These movies entertain and provoke thought.

Now go grab the popcorn!

What are your favorites?



The Survival Doctor's Complete Handbook(Digital Version)

What to Do When Help is NOT on the Way
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The Survival Doctor's Complete Handbook(Digital Version)
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The essential guide to take care of your family’s health when you can’t get medical help or answers right away.

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It's the worst snowstorm you can remember. The ice-covered streets are abandoned. You hear a boom in the distance, and your computer screen goes blank. Darkness. A crash and another bang from inside the house. In the hallway, your husband sits on the floor, soaked in blood. You dial 911, and all you get is a busy signal.

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Only $2.99 for the digital version. Fully printable and searchable.



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