Preparedness Archive
When planning meals and items that I would store in a food pantry in a SHTF situation I consider all tastebuds. This recipe made me think of the teenage …
Every so often I recommend a few things such as movies, books, and an assortment of gear – all kinds of stuff. Most are related to survival & …
It’s been two weeks since my last post as things have been extremely busy. Hey – life happens. While the economy is strong and unemployment is at record …
The most significant recent change here at is within the DOWNLOAD section. It has been greatly expanded and reformatted. There is now over 60 gigabytes of information …
As a teenager growing up in the 80’s I discovered preparedness or as it was known back then survivalism and being a survivalist. I tended to focus on nuclear war survival, civil …
Looking back at a very useful article published here on 1776PatriotUSA last month (September 13, 2018) entitled Basic Hurricane Preparedness it was mentioned that listening to the radio …
There’s a movement within the US population to head towards increased self-sufficiency and insulation from the effects of governmental action. What does this really mean? Simply it is taking …
Division in this country continues to increase and talk of a second civil war is ramping up. While many believe the possibility of a second civil war(CW2) is ridiculous …
Every Thursday I recommend a few things such as movies, books, and an assortment of gear – all kinds of stuff. Some of these are related to survival & preparedness …
Every Thursday I recommend a few things such as movies, books, and an assortment of gear – all kinds of stuff. Some of these are related to survival & preparedness …
Every Thursday I recommend a few things such as movies, books, and an assortment of gear – all kinds of stuff. Some of these are related to survival & preparedness …
Communication at the retreat, off the grid, or on the farm is essential and does not have to be extremely expensive or overly complicated. For less than the …
Every Thursday I recommend a few things such as movies, books, and an assortment of gear – all kinds of stuff. Some of these are related to survival & preparedness …
When it comes to prepping, one of the most frightening and difficult aspects can be our family members. In my particular situation, I have an elderly father who …
Something I have been slack in is my EDC. I have a few things in my Jeep but as far as an organized EDC kit that has been …
Analytical Survival brings forth another excellent video discussing alternative fuel sources. He covers topics such as gasoline storage, electricity, and heating methods. A good point he makes is building …
Guns & Stuff
There’s not much that will create an argument more than asking “What is the best firing stance and grip?” in a forum of AR shooters. While everyone has an …
Between 1:00 pm and 2:30 pm, several dirty bombs are detonated in cities across the United States. Initially, these cities are reported to be New York, Atlanta, Los Angeles, …
Ever wanted topographical maps of a particular area? Had a hard time finding just what you were looking for? It simply couldn’t be easier as National Geographic has the entire United …
Any high-stress disastrous event will create a definite morale issue for most people. The absence of normal life comforts combined with potential life-altering conditions will wreak havoc on people – …
NOTE: The following is a duplicate of a page found HERE on this website. Thinking many may have missed it, it is being provided below…… Here is a …
I’ve been asked several times about when something happens and people first arrive at a retreat location. Questions usually come up regarding who does what and when. Granted …
So – you’re a prepper? First off you will be pleased to know that you are not a nut case. Feel better? Although preparedness is becoming more widespread mainstream …
For those anticipating a complete breakdown of the economy, “bartering” is something that should be planned. Before diving into the list I’ll mention a couple things that generally stir …
The original “Top 100 Things To Disappear After a Disaster” list has been passed around the internet for a number of years. It remains a viable list of barter …
Every Thursday I recommend a few things such as movies, books, and an assortment of gear – all kinds of stuff. Some of these are related to survival & preparedness …
Post-apocalyptic fiction is extremely popular right now. There are many choices out there and since discovering Audible books I’ve read many. Prepper fiction is just that – fiction. With …
Every Thursday I recommend a few things such as movies, books, and an assortment of gear – all kinds of stuff. Some of these are related to survival & preparedness …
Every Thursday I recommend a few things such as movies, books, and an assortment of gear – all kinds of stuff. Some of these are related to survival & preparedness …
How many of us head out to the beach, the mountains – the lake – and wonder the same question: “What if something happens and we’re not at …