Here is a series of short video’s from Chuck Woolery highlighting Hillary Clinton’s stance on gun control. Every freedom loving, Patriotic American should absolutely vote AGAINST her should she eventually become the Democrat Presidential nominee.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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Looking for gun accessories and ammunition?
Here are a few sources……

“ISIS Supporter Specifically Targeted Gun-Free Zone for Attack
NRA has been criticized by our opponents for contending that those seeking to wreak mass violence on innocents choose their targets based on the likelihood that they will meet armed resistance, and that armed citizens could assist in halting this type of violent attack. As part of their efforts, gun control activists and their allies in the media have frequently lampooned NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre’s astute remarks that “The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.” The bankruptcy of this anti-gun position was exposed late last week when details from an FBI terrorism investigation revealed that an alleged ISIS supporter chose the target for a planned terrorist attack because it was a gun-free zone. ”
I am no fan of LaPierre who once called me a ‘Jack Booted Thug’ but I agree with him in the above quote.
All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing. Sadly, the only thing evil often responds to is greater force.
My family have long called ‘gun free zones’ SHOOT ME zones. Looks as if we are correct in our nomenclature.