VIDEO: Everyone Knows Something Is Coming

I recorded this video a few days ago after traveling to Leesburg, FL to attend a motorcycle rally. I’ll let the video speak for itself, however, I will say this: Many of us can “feel” that things are aligning in such a way that continuing preparation is a must. By the way – when I say we “feel” I am not referring to some mystical 6th sense. No. We are looking around at the insanity that is going on in the world and can plainly see that things are not right nor are they heading in the right direction. I’ll be discussing this more very soon.

Here’s the video.

Appreciate everyone who watches and please share with those who would be interested on social media, via email, etc.



The Backyard Homestead(Digital Version)

Produce all the food you need on just a quarter acre!
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With just a quarter acre of land, you can feed a family of four with fresh, organic food year-round.

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Only $2.99 for the digital version. Fully printable and searchable.
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