I’m not a fear-monger – but, things are getting crazy. The writing’s on the wall and we need to get ready. Store shelves are getting bare and what’s left is costing more.
When it comes to preparedness FOOD must be the number one priority.
Stack it deep!!!
Best Food Storage Deal Available
I know that not everyone can do what I do but my gardening feeds me literally every day of the year. I also have the rice and beans stocked but I never fall back on them since the food just keeps coming from the ground. I wish I could grow beer and beef roasts too.lol
Capt Turbo, KFC is offering Plant Based Chicken now. Try planting some of that……
Baaahahahaha!!! I’ve seen rice beer out there too. lol
For a while my significant other was thinking… well is this a behavior I have to endure for a while and then all is well, or slowly it becomes apparent that there is another BIG issue going on beneath the surface, and I too must act accordingly? I go out from time to time and purchase 25# bags of rice or beans and am scrutinized for sanity immediately upon arriving home. We have been preparing as needed and yet the question always remains… has enough been done. Well, no, is the short answer, but we all have limitations and must work within our own parameters. Clearly the veneer is coming off civilization as we know it. I don’t think hunting will work for us, or many of us. Despite being in a pretty rural area, PNW, I would expect wild game to disappear in a few months, especially looking at historical records from the Great Depression. I have no wish to think about the severe alternatives that mankind has exhibited in the past. Short of Alaska or wide open spaces of Wyoming or Montana, game shortages will increase. All of this reminds me of the movie ‘King Rat’, and stories I heard from my ex’s family about escaping the Russians in Eastern Europe during WW2 and being happy to run to the Nazi’s, only would be considered second class citizens there vs the Jews. We all clearly have some difficult choices to make in our coming future. Pray for abundance, fortitude and grace, hard times are almost upon us all. Beware the traitors, and act accordingly.
ps have read a number of articles describing the failure of Spam cans, not ammo, but food. Swelling up, leaking etc, after a short time period of 2-3 years. Too many stories to discount, now looking for alternatives. Caveat emptor.
Great post Ralph!
I’m not sure I like the way you said Doomsday 😡
No, its not doomsday. The pendulum of life has just reached its zenith on one end of the spectrum we call life, and soon begin an epic swing the other direction. It will be a wild ride of course.