One of my favorite TV shows of all time is Jericho. Never seen it? Here is a brief synopsis:
A small town in Kansas is literally left in the dark after seeing a mushroom cloud over near-by Denver, Colorado. The townspeople struggle to find answers about the blast and solutions on how to survive. Follow each episode as information as to what is happening through the rest of the country and people figure out ways to survive in this new world.
Season 1 consists of 22 episodes. Season 2 has an additional 7 however I was not a big fan of season 2. It was obvious the budget was cut and production quality diminished.
I am inviting all of you to rewatch the entire first season of Jericho with me and share your thoughts the day after. Starting Wednesday July 27th I’ll recap each episode and give a few thoughts on the previous evening’s events.
Jericho can be watched several ways. First – Netflix members can access Season 1 as part of their membership. Amazon Prime members can purchase episodes. Of course Jericho is also available via DVD.
Remember – watch it the evening of the 26th. and share your thoughts the next day.
Did some reflecting last night . WATER :PLEASE everyone stock up on water-whether it is from your TAP or purchased. One can fill soda hard plastic bottles, ice tea plastic hard containers,glass. Freeze some also for emergencies.
GUNS: I know many especially you guys really like guns.It is better to have a few guns and lots of ammo then many guns and less ammo.Great if you can afford many guns and lots of ammo.If every person in your household has a gun and knows how to use it-that is essential. Lightning
Good advice Lightning. I need to store more physical water but have a good filtration capability. Water can be sourced nearby.
Just started watching it on NETFLIX. picked up some brass, primers and powwder and ordered some bullet molds.
We are in!
I got 3 episodes in before life intruded.. maybe I’ll get to do a couple more .. there is a lot there .. some is made for TV of course . but the concepts are sound .. It has the bigger theme.. “Nuclear”.. but the smaller themes and character development is sounds as well. One take away is this.. There is nothing that is non-trivial when resources are finite. Then of course there is everyone running all over the place with NO more Gas coming in to replace what they are burning .. Another take away .. In formation and communications are critical (without it you don’t don’t know how and when to respond) .. Oh and mean people .. you know the rest
My DVDs came today 🙂 now just to take the time to watch the first one. LookIng forward to any tips/new perspectives on living”without.” Have been thinking, what DO we enjoy now that i would miss but be able to live without. MINE is easy,hot,(and sometimes long,)showers 🙂 ……….Just covered the garden in it’s blanket of straw for the summer since it helps to mitigate weeds,heat and lack of rain. The critter fence needed repairs before that or there would be very little growing without…..everyone has their issues with gardening and it’s good to know what yours are before it REALLY matters. Each year presents different issues to work through so having more than just a year or two of experience is gold.