Hope this finds everyone safe and secure.
Hurricane Matthew has wreaked havoc along the southeastern coast of the United States. I frequent Myrtle Beach a few times per year and right where I was standing not two weeks ago has been destroyed. Piers I have walked down and fished are gone. They are washed away into the salty abyss. Reports are still coming in regarding the loss of life. I can only pray the loss is extremely minute.
I am over 3 hours away from the coast. We received a substantial amount of rain and a few gusts. Really not too bad though there were many trees that fell and drains clogged causing street flooding. Nothing compared to Hugo who marched inland and left tremendous destruction.
I was recently asked about steps t take when a hurricane is coming. My advice? Get out. If there is any serious threat then get out and get inland away from that threat.
This week I continued testing my newest acquisition – a Ruger 22/45 Lite along with an AAC Aviator 2 suppressor.
Awesome piece of armament. Fun to shoot and a valuable tool.
Food Storage: Added a few things to stockpile. Mylar packed 20 pounds of sugar and went to the local Aldi’s and bought several cases of canned goods. Also just placed an order through Emergency Essentials taking advantage of their massive Mountain House freeze dried food sale.
Picked up a couple of boxes of .308 and .243 for the bolt actions. I really like my son’s Mossberg Patriot in .243.
Here you go…..
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That’s about it….
Your turn.
Wow, you should have been an architect. I believe the various room dimensions are right on!
This was a maintenance week for me. Pulled out the two generators and ran them for a while. Tested and dumped all water storage and then refilled the 55 gallon water drums. Water tested good after 6 months, but I’ll continue recycle or cycling of the water. Bought syphon pump (hand operated) to draw down the gas on the boat and have it available in 5 gallon storage cans. The boat, when full holds 60 gallons, only has 25 now since I only go on the lakes, no longer go salt water fishing. Started on two faraday cages. I’m lining two 10 gallon galvanized trash cans with a double layer of corrugated. I plan on placing the electronics in bubble wrap to further insulate them. The top of the can will be grounded to the can and then sealed with metalized tape to make the final closure. Hope it works.
Why so much space for the bedroom kitchen and bath?
For whatever reason, my wife did not see the utility in your floor plan but laughed too.
My Summer garden failed so trying my hand at Fall gardening (SC zone). Planted radish, lettuce, spinach, swiss chard. The rain from Hurricane Matthew did not drown my seeds..have them planted in a raised bed. Good news there…Took inventory on my preps and found some expired items and found some areas that are running low. Heading out today to pick up some items.
This weeks prepping can be described as wow. A neighbor said his sister in law’s family was having an estate sale. Her father died and her mother was going to assisted living. He told me to go by and look before it started on Thursday. I went in saw all the usual stuff and asked do you have any guns, ammo, knives, you know, men’s stuff. Dad had some stuff in the closet but we don’t know what to do with it! Had to rob the savings account but walked away with a Thompson Center 30.06, Glock 19, and a Cross bow, they decided to keep the 870 shotgun. Several knives as well. Pennies on the dollar. All looked barely used. They threw in hearing and eye protection, arrows and bolts, shells, the bags they were in, gun cleaning kit. They were glad to get rid of them.
That is all.
– Keep Looking UP
Had a great summer veggie garden and now have planted one for the fall in our two swales in the back yard. Rabbits got some but the kale, chard and lettuces are doing well. Tomatoes are also coming up. Harvesting our first carrot seeds this year. Reading book 3 of 299 days. Writing down things I have not thought of or acted on to this point. Looking at some land in Idaho and Colorado online for a small farm. Up to a half dozen eggs a day from our hens now. Life is good….
Love the house plans… though i would add a summer kitchen with stainless steel processing tables for garden/game harvest. Always nice to keep the heat out of the living/play areas! I continue to concentrate on herbal/essential oils for medicinal/wellbeing treatment. Found a bedpan while checking out a garage sale 🙂 …..still going through Dr Doom/Bloom’s survival medicine book…..they have LOTS of bits/pieces i need to consider. GREAT book ! Also looking to get another bucket kit for the Sawyer water filter…..
Just sawed up 30 face cord of wood for the winter.
Well it has been a long week , We live in east central Florida just off the coast and as we all know Matthew made his presents be known all up the coast. Some places worse , and my faith in humans is even worse now than before. I have seen and heard things that have happened that is worse than thought possible . The SHEEPLE are getting dumber buy the day I think . Everyone needs to prep as hard as possible now more than ever , Millions of people invaded the stores and they were empty within hours , not days . The people form south of us got here and found no gas , no food, and no where to stay. All the roads where closed because of dumb people crashing there bug out transportation . driving and texting more than likely . So if you are going to bugout you need to be at least a week ahead of them. After it was over it was just as bad, Still all these people no food no water no gas and no place to stay, HI way overpasses were temporary camps and or where ever . Then you talk to them and its the Govt, fault they are stuck . Well we got to check some of are preps and they all look good to go so far .
Sorry about the rambling before didn’t know if I would have Internet for long . Nice Rugar Roark.
Rourke- so glad that you were safe- I roared when I saw your house plan-my husband thinks its perfect-grin!!!We visited Myrtle Beach years ago-
Second recon: Thanks for sharing your reality-not exactly how its portrayed on
TV. When our area was severely flooded during Hurricane Irene-there wasnt any
looting and most people went to friends and relatives and Red Cross and other shelters. We live in upstate NY. We live on a mT so we provided shelter for an elderly friend and her pets for several weeks.
You are correct people should have left immediately when they were asked to.
Did you evacuate ? -or did you stay ? Hoping you are ok now. Prayers for you all as it will be a LONG recovery for many. Lightning
PS Has anyone heard from John P who lives in Florida near the coast ?
This week I ordered 500 rounds of .22lr, I had some Cabela’s points saved up and decided to use them to stock up before the after election ammo rush. I also ran my preps through the Doomsday Prepper’s score quiz. It’s not a perfect scoring system, but it helps to find weak spots in my preps. I didn’t get much else accomplished, there was a death in the family that took up a lot of the week.
Oh attached and installed pieces and parts to various toys ..I collect them and them then use them usually. Fed and medicated bees, added some food.. worked int he winter garden.. did some non-prep honey dos.. Transferred all my rain catch to other totes and elevated the ones I was using then transferred it back ..Worked chickens, ducks and quail.. did good workouts and diet was fair .. until Saturday .. ugh!.. started over again .. I seem to do that a lot lately.. cool weather makes me hungry .. (hibernation syndrome I am told).. Love the cool snap though .. I can work much longer than summer losing 10 lbs of water in 5 hours..
Living in north central Florida, it was interesting to say the least. Tuesday I told grand daughter to fill the SUV every night on the way home. Wednesday she reports stations out of gas. Already were hearing that store shelves were empty. We were ready so no big deal. In the end, we did not get much damage, never lost power, however had it been during a major SHTF event we would have been out of one of our food sources. All of our papaya trees blew down. Lost a few dozen papayas. Glad I have some young plants already started. Shared what papayas were starting to ripen with a neighbor.
Found out a total P.O.S. local con artist pretending to be a “prepper” who surfs various preparedness & facebook sites put 2 + 2 together and found out who I am on here so I’ll no longer be posting any updates under this alias.