All last week I looked forward to camping on Friday – and attending a firearm class on Saturday. Friday night I set up my new Eno doublenest hammock for the first time using the Helios suspension system. The Enos is a great hammock but what really shined was the Helios. It makes the hammock setup and adjustment incredibly easy.
While setting up had a fellow group member go over a few things including finding fatwood, identifying some of those horrible 3 leaf plants such as poison ivy, and we found some edible local plants.
After the sleep system was put in place Prepper Ralph(partner over at The Patriot Podcast) and I did some night shooting using my M&P15-22 with attached light. It was a great experience. We did a lot of shooting with the M&P and I think Ralph was pretty impressed. It continues to impress me with its accuracy and reliability.
The temperature dropped overnight down to 43 degrees. Â The black bag from my MSS(Military Sleep System) kept me very comfortable.
Saturday morning I woke up just prior to 7:00 am  and fired up my Coleman propane stove and cooked breakfast. I discovered Prepper Ralph doesn’t like bacon. I am now contemplating that he may be a communist. Who doesn’t like bacon? I mean…’s BACON!
Once the whole group arrived we began training. Of course safety was covered first and then we got down to business. It was a good refresher and a lot of fun. I felt good with my performance and also that of my guns. I used my AR pistol and my Canik TP9SA. I ran a Condor Plate Carrier.
It was a great time and look forward to doing it again soon.
So – what have you done this past week?
If you had a link on here to your podcast… might get a few more listeners. BTW audio was much better!
Will do D. Appreciate you letting me know about the audio.
Picked up a SOCOM 16 ii
Awesome Andy! Lucky man.
More candles, more 10/22 mags and covers, QC scope mounts for the 10/22.
This must be mag week – picked up 3 more Glock 19 mags, a couple for my 10-22 and a couple for my AK. Picked up 600 7.62X.25 rounds. Spent quite a bit of time working on my haves and have not list. That can get quite frustrating sometimes. It would be nice to have an extra $10K to throw at it, but then you’d need $20K I guess!!! Keep Looking UP
More canning, Squash, Chicken stock, green beans. Mylar pack packed Baking Soda, Sugar, Corn meal, rice in 6 gal buckets, picked up some AK mags, a couple of ammo cans.
Badger – what kind of squash do you can? I have never seen that.
Zucchini, yellow, pumpkin, scallop squash.
Stocked up on rice, tuna, and other staples at BJs. Watered the orchard. Worked with .the chain saw under my husbands experienced eyes. I was sore the night day !! Stocked up on flea and tick meds and ear mite meds for the dog and cats.
Took two soil samples for this years garden. PH is good. Lightning
This week was all about bees, garden and construction.. So worked on baby plants and constructing new coop area and roost/nesting house .. and the hot house .. The construction thing really takes a lot of time so I feel a little under powered this past week… (good grief) The next week will be much of the same .. until the spring time thing gets out of the way. We started free ranging our chickens when we are there .. they are pretty good weeders.. it has it’s pluses and minuses… Usually the bottom of my boots :). Did some historical reading and stil looking for tha paperless AR .. hard to find quality.. umm hmm .. Lots of junk out there.
This is just one company out of many.
Depending on what tools you have it may require some up front expenditures so as not to leave a paper trail. It’s just a matter of how badly do you want it…..
Your camping trip sounded like a great time but…Umm…. This Ralph character looks like trouble. He has a full beard, doesn’t like bacon, and some might say he has ‘shifty’ eyes. Watch your six…. 😉