My Top 5 Favorite Apocalyptic Movies

Over the last week, I have watched a couple of newer movies with distinct apocalyptic themes. This got me thinking of my favorites.  One of the reasons I enjoy watching these kinds of movies is they get me thinking of possible scenarios.

Here are my top 5 favorite apocalyptic movies.

1. Red Dawn

2. I Am Legend

3. The Book of Eli

4. The Day After Tomorrow

5. Contagion

These have been out for a while, however, they still rank up there as my favorites. These movies entertain and provoke thought.

Now go grab the popcorn!

What are your favorites?



Wild Edibles/Medical Wilderness Survival/Healing Secrets of Native Americans(Digital Version)

3-Book Pack
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Wild Edibles/Medical Wilderness Survival/Healing Secrets of Native Americans(Digital Version)
Product Details

This is a 3-book pack that contains the following:

  • Medical Guide for Wilderness Survival
  • Natural Healing Secrets of Native Americans
  • Wild Edibles and Medicinal Herbs You Can Forage for or Find Around Your House

All three books are fully searchable and printable. All are available for instant download after purchase.




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