Mountain House Breakfast Skillet Taste Test

Someone recently thanked me for keeping a post short and to the point – or something like that.

Here I go again:

Mountain House is the premium and one of the most costly brands in long-term food storage. I’ve eaten A LOT of Mountain House and so far I have not had any that I did not enjoy. I had picked up several of these Breakfast Skillet meals but had not tried them yet. This past weekend I took the plunge.


Preparation for most of these are pretty much the same. Add boiling water, mix, seal, wait…..then eat. This Breakfast Skillet was no different.


510 calories for the package is not bad. While the “serving size” is considered a 1/2 pouch, I could eat the entire thing on a cold winter morning after chopping wood and wrestling with Sasquatch over who gets to take a shower first. So yeah, 1/2 pouch could make a meal along with some Bacon SPAM.

Bacon SPAM – yummy!!!

As with all freeze-dried foods in its non-prepped state, it is very dry and crunchy. Not the tastiest food in existence, but, you can see what it is.


After adding boiling water, stirring, then letting it sit and “cook”, it’s ready for consumption.

While the finished product may look like something your cat did one morning and you stepped in while walking to the bathroom – it tasted great!!!

It’s….a breakfast skillet. Potatoes, onions, peppers, eggs, salt and pepper, and sausage!

When the zombie apocalypse happens this stuff will be GOLD. Grab some of these pouch, and cans, and put them back for special occasions. You’ll be glad you did.

A few links:

MH Breakfast Skillet 6-pack: 

MH Eggs and Bacon: 

MH #10 Can Chili Mac: (my favorite)

These are just a few.

Stack it high. Stack it deep.

 – Rourke

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