It begins…….

The Biden Administration will officially take office this afternoon. While many hung on with unabated hope that somehow Trump would remain for an additional 4 years and the positive effects of his policies on the economy would remain – a slap of reality is about to be delivered. With that said, what can we expect and how will it affect us?

First off, my ability to predict the future ranks right up there with my ability to sing opera. Ever heard two cats fight? You get the picture. Regardless, I’ll give it a shot or twelve.

Biden’s First Two Years:

It has been widely publicized that the first couple of weeks will have Biden signing many Executive Actions undoing those that Trump put into place. Additional EA’s which support the Biden-Harris administrations’ agenda will also be signed. Many of the plans put forth by Biden will require Congress to act.

  • Rescind Trump’s travel ban to “Muslim countries”
  • Expand and extend bans on evictions due to COVID
  • Expand and extend student loan relief due to COVID
  • Join the Paris Climate Change Accord
  • Issue a mask mandate for all Federal properties and during interstate travel
  • Send Congress a path to citizenship for all illegal immigrants
  • Upwards of $3 trillion dollar COVID relief package to be passed
  • Raising of the Federal Minimum Wage to $15/hr
  • Gun control
  • Raise taxes

There is a lot of theories on what will happen and what effect actions will have on the country and our lives. There are those who will say this is just another change in the leadership of the country – it will pass and be no different than before. I disagree. If we have learned anything over the last 4 years it’s there is truly a movement by the Left in this country for a complete overhaul of America. Whether it be revisionist history or the complete destruction of what this country was founded – change, radical change – is coming.

One item not on the list of Biden’s priorities is censorship. While not specifically carried out by Biden there is little doubt that a major part of the Left’s agenda is silencing the opposition. The deplatforming of individuals, organizations, and companies who represent and believe in Conservatism will continue. There are organizations right now pressuring cable companies to remove OAN and FoxNews from their line up. The “cancel culture” will continue and the Biden Administration will do nothing to stop it.

NOTE: How far will the efforts to censor those who believe in freedom, firearms, and patriotism? No one knows the answer. With this in mind, we must all put things in place to be able to remain connected, network, and communicate. Websites such as this could be taken down if the hosting provider decides they do not like the content. Plans for this are being made.

The breaching of the Capitol on January 6th was a turning point for the Left. This event has provided them optics, rhetoric, and evidence to point to the Right and call them terrorists. This will continue and will be used to push gun control and further targeting of those who are “MAGA, Trump-supporting, Constitution-loving Patriots” who are inherently dangerous and radical. Oh – especially if they are white.


Next Two Years and Beyond:

The full-effect of COVID on the economy has not been fully realized. Censorship will continue. The Supreme Court will be seriously looked at to have additional judges added. Gun control measures will be implemented with aspects of the 94′ Assualt Weapons Ban being the minimum. Efforts will be made to make Washington, DC and PR states. The National Debt will hit $30 trillion within the next few months and continue upwards.

Civil unrest will spread. Groups aligned with BLM and Antifa will not be satisfied. There are other groups that will mobilize and add to the carnage when the right opportunities present.

With the possible addition of two new states and upwards of 30 million illegal immigrants made citizens – the political fabric of the country will be completely torn apart and the likelihood of any Congress and the Presidency ever leaning Right again does not look good.

What are your thoughts? What do you see happening?



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