How To Purify Water With Bleach

In an emergency situation where regular water supply is interrupted, water quality and contamination will quickly come into question. Running out of water for an extended period of time will make things go completely cattywampus.

Bleach has been used for decades to make questionable water safe to drink. Bleach is a standard preparedness supply item and should be found within any preparedness system.

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There are certainly other methods to make water safe to drink and bleach is just one piece of the puzzle. Water filters such as those coming from Berkey represent an excellent means to filter large volumes for multiple people, albeit at a considerable price.  The Sawyer Bucket Conversion Kit can provide similar filtering performance at a fraction of the cost. Options are good.

Back to bleach……..

A few things to mention regarding the usage of bleach for purifying water:

  • Use only non-scented Clorox bleach
  • Stir the mixture to disperse the bleach
  • If water is cloudy prior to treatment double the dose
  • Allow mixture to stand for 30 minutes
  • Bleach has a shelf life of approx 6 months

Before anyone jumps in with the, “Hey – you should just use Pool Shock because it works and has a longer shelf life!” Yup – options are good. Pool shock at 1 teaspoon per gallon will make your own bleach. Cool!!

Take care all. Stack it deep and stay safe!



water filter, Berkey, survival, prepper, preparedness, get ready, SHTF,

Sawyer, mini, water filter, bucket, kit, water, filter, purify, SHTF, prepper, preparedness, get ready,



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