In an emergency situation where regular water supply is interrupted, water quality and contamination will quickly come into question. Running out of water for an extended period of time will make things go completely cattywampus.
Bleach has been used for decades to make questionable water safe to drink. Bleach is a standard preparedness supply item and should be found within any preparedness system.
There are certainly other methods to make water safe to drink and bleach is just one piece of the puzzle. Water filters such as those coming from Berkey represent an excellent means to filter large volumes for multiple people, albeit at a considerable price. The Sawyer Bucket Conversion Kit can provide similar filtering performance at a fraction of the cost. Options are good.
Back to bleach……..
A few things to mention regarding the usage of bleach for purifying water:
- Use only non-scented Clorox bleach
- Stir the mixture to disperse the bleach
- If water is cloudy prior to treatment double the dose
- Allow mixture to stand for 30 minutes
- Bleach has a shelf life of approx 6 months
Before anyone jumps in with the, “Hey – you should just use Pool Shock because it works and has a longer shelf life!” Yup – options are good. Pool shock at 1 teaspoon per gallon will make your own bleach. Cool!!
Take care all. Stack it deep and stay safe!
I believe your 1 tsp per gallon will make bleach, not water ready to drink. You might want to verify and clarify so someone doesn’t try to drink a much too concentrated solution…
GotUR6 – 100% correct. THANK YOU!! Good catch. I edited the post.
So on the pool shock.. make very sure you avoid the extra add ins … Straight powdered Calcium hypochlorite. It is not real easy to find Walmart, Lowes, Home Depot.. all carry stuff with add-in chemicals like algicides and anti-bacterial’s etc… etc… I can’t speak to for safety to consume.
I use Granular HTH 70 Calcium Hypochlorite (65-70%)
Short version .. You make a solution and then use it like pre made bottled chlorine bleach woudl be used.
Boilerplate from the EPA: (used by everywhere I checked so far)
You can use granular calcium hypochlorite to disinfect water.
Add and dissolve one heaping teaspoon of high-test granular calcium hypochlorite (approximately ¼ ounce) for each two gallons of water, or 5 milliliters (approximately 7 grams) per 7.5 liters of water.
The mixture will produce a stock chlorine solution of approximately 500 milligrams per liter, since the calcium hypochlorite has available chlorine equal to 70 percent of its weight.
To disinfect water, add the chlorine solution in the ratio of one part of chlorine solution to each 100 parts of water to be treated. This is roughly equal to adding 1 pint (16 ounces) of stock chlorine to each 12.5 gallons of water or (approximately ½ liter to 50 liters of water) to be disinfected.
In many cases you don’t know about a don’t drink order until after it’s an issue for any unplanned event (floods, broken mains etc…). It can be a prudent step to run your tap water through a Berkey on your counter. They make a lot of sizes in case you need a travel Berkey.
Stay safe
Thanks GG58. Good stuff as usual.
Who is pushing back against Ex-Goldman Sachs turned Jersey devil Gov.’s gungrab???????1-11 is the vote.Interesting date,huh?Typical,anti-Constitutional traitorcrat reaching for Jersey guns so it’s easier for u.n. Or China to put us down like weak dogs!When do Americans remember to defend themselves?Superior,CO manmade Mason direct energy inferno burnt the hell out of alot of houses and cars,but video of damage showed a miracle-The MASON LODGE AND MANSION NEXT TO IT WAS SPARED!!!!!!This tells you all you need to know about What we are dealing with.Beforeitsnews I think had the vid up earlier.Check bitchute,github,,,Thecamelotprojectportal,or Leak Project as well as and your face off and ask for duscernment and protection.Cyborgs,robotoids,clones,portals,timetravel are real.Darpa been spraying us with rxs and virus and bioweapins for Decades,Wake Up!!operation lockstep,the kalergi plan,operation highjump,operation gardenplot popeye,cyclops,blackjack,many more.Frequency based targetted weapons and mind/mood control patents held by netflix,hulu,darpa,,,,,,,,,cgaie of destiny and Pegasus Project=obam,biden,Basiago.Bush is really a gertman named,Scherff.Digdeep.
Double Wow!! The Flat Earth Society meeting must have ended early so you
could make it over to the Chem Trails Sky Watch cocktail party.
Found some on e-bay.
Exc. Remember to have an eye dropper or two on hand also. I have kept a
paper inside my kitchen cabinet door with these recommendations for years.
RE Virginia and the ice-snow l-95 issues.
Why is it that people will carry all kinds of junk but not the essentials like food and water and matches or hand warmers…. or blankets.
AS an after thought people could have gathered around and burned whatever they had to keep warm. Are truckers allowed to open their cargo in an emergency situation( life or death) like that- to share food or water ?
It was heart warming to see one young man sharing water ( although not during the pandemic) and local people bringing out food and water and blankets etc.
This was a reminder to-re-stock my own car and check supplies.
MANY people up here are coming down with covid and flu- so be careful folks. Arlene
My grand daughter is slowly getting better-but still very tired with a fever and sore throat-thanks for your prayers .