Digital Preparedness Library – Updated Download Section


The most significant recent change here at is within the DOWNLOAD section. It has been greatly expanded and reformatted. There is now over 60 gigabytes of information organized within folders and accessible using a newly generated graphic interface. New files are being added almost daily.

Information is valuable and in a grid-down, no internet, no book store existence finding out how to get tomatoes to grow larger and produce more is why a preparedness library is so important. While I advocate for “real” books that can have its pages turned there is no doubt that digital media has its advantages. The ability to store countless thousands of books, manuals, guides, articles, and videos digitally is a huge plus that cannot be overstated.

I highly recommend the use if an Amazon Fire tablet for building and accessing a digital preparedness library. They are high quality and inexpensive. With the addition of microSD cards and an almost limitless supply of references and entertainment can be stored.

Oh – and if you happen to have anything you would be willing to share in The Library let me know. Send me an email at 1776PatriotUSA (at) gmail (dot) com.


Below is a screenshot from the Download Section

digital, prepper, preparedness, library, survival,


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