Preparedness Archive
Rourke: This post was originally published over at and republished here with permission. There are many injuries that a medic will face in a survival scenario, and a …
From Rourke: This was published quite some time ago but well worth another look. I can honestly say that this stuff rocks. After a long, hard day hunting terrorists, …
I just started writing a new book. Unlike my last, this one I’m planning the storyline, the characters, subplots, settings, and timelines. The story is to take place in …
Knives. Probably not much that will get people debating more than knives – except maybe guns. I’ve never had much of a knife fetish, though I have quite a …
We’re going to have some fun designing and building a survival kit together. Here is Part 8 in the series where each week we will vote on a new item(s) …
It’s difficult to imagine a time when the unpredictability of the future is so uncertain and unpredictable. I hate the saying, “To be honest”, but – to be honest, …
Something about this picture just gets to me. I imagine that little kid….scared, but knows his daddy will protect him. Daddy’s scared….he doesn’t want anything to happen to his …
My buddy “John Hancock” and I chat preparedness almost daily. We send audio messages back and forth and some of these discussions get pretty deep. Over the past several …
Years ago I had a job where I had to use a soldering iron frequently. Via some juvenile antics by fellow employees hand and finger burns were common. Back …
The Canadian Prepper made the best scenario video I’ve ever seen. The World After 2030 tells the story of how everything crumbles between 2020 and 2030. Multiple calamities transpire …
The Consumer Price Index, which measures an allotment of goods as well as energy and housing costs, rose 4.2% from a year earlier. This means that the average prices …
Storing foods in buckets is popular for a reason: Buckets are cheap and extremely durable. The main issue with buckets(like the Home Depot versions) is once you put a …
We’re going to have some fun designing and building a survival kit together. Here is Part 7 in the series where each week we will vote on a new …
Someone recently thanked me for keeping a post short and to the point – or something like that. Here I go again: Mountain House is the premium and one …
Current Events
“Inflation” is a new buzzword being used in headlines, titles, and broadcasts all over media platforms. The reason is simple – we are at the early stages of an …
Picked up a few MRE Desserts at Maine Military Surplus during some recent traveling. It had been a while since I tried. Short post – – > Good stuff!!! …
I’m not a medical professional, although I have stayed at a Holiday Inn Express. With that important disclosure, I would suggest that the inclusion of tourniquets in “kits” and …
Just saw on Amazon that Tenergy 3V CR123 batteries are at a fantastic price for a pack of 12 at only $15.99. I have bought these very same batteries …
We’re going to have some fun designing and building a survival kit together. Here is Part 6 in the series where each week we will vote on a new item …
Yeah – that’s my new favorite saying. It’s also very true. Consider the number of people across the country who are struggling to feed their families due to current …
Frequently I see on internet forums and in articles people talking about hiking/walking hundreds of miles after an EMP. These folks talk about 30+ miles per day for upwards …
We’re going to have some fun designing and building a survival kit together. Here is Part 5 in the series where each week we will vote on a new item …
We’re going to have some fun designing and building a survival kit together. Here is Part 4 in the series where each week we will vote on a new item …
Just saw on Amazon that Tenergy 3V CR123 batteries are at a fantastic price for a pack of 12 at only $15.99. I have bought these very same batteries …
As part of the building a survival kit series, I ordered the Ontario Air Force Survival Knife. I received it yesterday and was shocked with what came out of …
Am I the only one who has looked back at their life and realized that in nearly 100% of “rough times” it was money that made things better? It …
We’re going to have some fun designing and building a survival kit together. Here is Part 3 in the series where each week we will vote on a new item …
As a kid growing up in the ’80s and seeing Bruce Lee dispatch several opponents with the nunchuku I became an avid practitioner. The speed, versatility, and pure power …
We’re going to have some fun designing and building a survival kit together. Here is Part 2 in the series where each week we will vote on a new …
We’re going to have some fun designing and building a survival kit together. Back when I first got involved in preparedness there were lots of discussions about “survival kits.” …