Ammunition prices over the years

Doing some organizing I came across a box of .22LR CCI Mini-Mags with a price tag of $4.99 on it. Being that these 100-ct plastic boxes now run over $10 it’s pretty obvious this box is from many, many years ago. Seeing this brought back memories of buying 50-ct boxes of 9mm back in the day for $4.99 a box. Yes – $4.99. This was a brand I bought in New Hampshire called “Carrol”. Just prior to COVID, I was getting aluminum-cased 9mm for $8.99/box. I remember going to Palmetto State Armory in Columbia, SC on the way to Myrtle Beach and buying Federal M193 5.56mm for $5.49/box.

ammunition, prepper, prepping, stock up, cost, price, shtf, firearms, ammunition,

Oh – the memories.

With the work I’ve been doing on the homestead in my spare time visiting gun shops has been rare. When I have managed to stop in I’m disgusted by the pricing. I’m a big believer in supporting local gun shops, however, when the cheapest box of 9mm is $16.00 – it’s ridiculous.

I’ve been in manufacturing as a profession for decades. I understand costs such as raw materials, labor, shipping, etc. There is no reason that ammunition pricing AT A GUN SHOP should be this high. I can buy the very same ammunition online for $10.99.

Palmetto State Armory, prices, ammo, ammunition,  prepper, get ready, stocking up

Like I said I want to support local gun shops and I’m willing to pay more there. Upwards of 40-50% more? Nope.

We live in a volatile and unpredictable world. I continue to believe we have some extremely tough times ahead. Among many things, ammunition and other defense-related items need to be put back. Overall, ammunition pricing is more than it was and less than just a few years ago.

Stack it high and stack it deep!


Tactical Eyeglass/Sunglass Retainment Cord(2 Pack)

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Tactical Eyeglass/Sunglass Retainment Cord(2 Pack)
Product Details

OK - maybe the term "tactical" is a bit of a stretch.

If you wear eyeglasses you know just how critical it is to NOT lose them. Action during sports and adventure can strike at anytime and suddenly the world is a blur. Wearing sunglasses? Keep 'em protecting your eyes with these comfortable eyeglass neck cords. Fully adjustable so the smallest cool kid to the biggest, baddest dude can use them.

Rubber connectors on the two ends easily slide onto the glasses, but hold them securely.

26" in length and fully adjustable.

Qty: 2 per pack

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