We have a lot of wildlife on the property which we love(for the most part). We’ve seen deer, raccoons, skunk, squirrels, turtles, and even a beaver nearby. There are bear and moose in the area, however, they have not swung by to say hello.
Bigfoot also has ignored us so far, but, that may change. We’ll see.
The video below is from 2023 when a ton of turkeys came through. There are so many turkeys in the area it’s unreal. I often hear them out in the woods even when they are not seen.
If I get any footage of Bigfoot you’ll be the first to know.
Take care all –
the Turkey footage was awesome. i don’t hunt anymore but i love to watch em, we had some deer in the backyard before Christmas. we watched and took pictures from the kitchen window.
I’m in the PNW, 100 miles from Canadian border. Turkeys are a daily occurrence, deer family lives next property over, about 8 last count, see elk every once in a while, tracks for bobcat, cougars sighted frequently, saw a moose last year. Lots of eagles and hawks too. Smorgasborg of critters. All of God’s creatures live here and so do we. Such things provide foundation for life knowing we share our environment and gives us an anchor in our crazy, wild n wooly world. Reminds me that we are stewards of our land and preservation of habitat is of paramount importance for all involved. Happy New Year.