The Future of

As we traverse some of the most volatile and dangerous times in modern history – the traffic for this specific survival and preparedness website has fallen to a few visits per day. Thank you for stopping by!! The reasons for the traffic dropoff are many with the most obvious being I simply do not put out content that people are interested in. That’s certainly a possibility. Other potential reasons include Google’s shadowbanning and the like, suppressing the type of content I put out due to their own agenda priorities. Yup – that is possible. It’s also possible that the technology used within this website structure and “build” creates issues for those wishing to access it. Many people use mobile devices to browse the web and this site may not be very “friendly” to the algorithms that decide where to rank it for those trying to find information on survival/preparedness.

So – what’s next? The main purpose I have a web presence and put forth the effort is to reach like-minded folks. I truly enjoy it. If – and it’s a big IF the structure of the website and/or the site itself is being blacklisted I could possibly change some things in the backend to alleviate or improve the situation. Basically – a major overhaul.

homesteading, getting back to sim ple life, simple life, shtf, prepper, preparedness

Another option is to change and adapt to trends within the preparedness genre. While preparedness has grown in popularity how people view preparedness has changed. Rather than seeking content on “survival” and “preparedness” folks are often going in the direction of “homesteading.”

Another distinct reality is that this form of media is just not as popular as it once was. Video and multimedia has taken over and blogs are going the way of the simple book. Sad – but true.

You tell me. What interests you? What do you want? What changes would you like to see?

I’d appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment and give me your thoughts.

Take care all –



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