The Collapse is Just Around the Corner

When I sit back and think about how much has happened in just the last 20 or so years it’s pretty incredible. Those of us who have been around a few decades have lived to see the Patriotism of Ronald Reagan whereby freedom defeated communism. In 1984 Reagan won 49 out of 50 states. Think the country was unified? Well – much more than today. He actually won only 58% of the vote.

Some 20 years later we’ve gone through 9/11, Bush Jr., and the Patriot Act. We’ve gone through Obama and the division his election and anti-American rhetoric created. Throw all the politics out the window and we sit here in 2023 surrounded by a world of insanity whereby men can become women, the military is using transgender spokespeople as a recruiting tool, the world is at the brink of World War 3, and a bottle of A1 Steaksauce costs much more than a gallon of gas.

As I look towards the next 4-5 years I certainly do not see things improving. I see tremendous economic strife and civil unrest. I’ve given up trying to predict the future with any specific certainties, however, I will say that there are some steps we can all take to better our position to handle what’s coming.

  • Store as much food as possible. Pack it and stack it!
  • Look at everything your household uses daily, weekly, and monthly. Stockpile 12 months worth…..24 months worth….whatever you can do.
  • The world continues to become more and more dangerous. Guns and ammo should be a priority. Learn to shoot. Learn to move while shooting.
  • Grow your own food as much as possible. Learn to preserve via canning, dehydrating, freeze drying, etc.
  • Network with neighbors and like-minded folks in your community. You will not make it on your own.
  • Create secondary and tertiary streams of income. When the economy fails your 9-5 may not continue.
  • Enjoy your time here on this earth and do what makes you happy. Life is so short. Treasure every moment and tell your sweetheart how much you love them.

It’s 2023. I remember back in 1984 when I was at Fowler Drive Elementary School in Athens, Georgia.

So much has changed.

What’s next?




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