Survival: Every Journey Begins With a Single Step

Thinking back to my early days in survival. I was 14 years old and saw a TV show talking about “peak oil.” Shortly after that, I saw the TV movie, “The Day After“. I was hooked. I spent hours thinking about what would happen if oil ran out or became extremely expensive. Thoughts of nuclear conflict between the Soviet Union and the United States brought me to making lists of things I needed to get to make sure my family would be prepared. Things we would need to survive.

My mom and I would go to the grocery store and I would sneak an extra can of Bean & Bacon soup in the cart. An extra pack of wooden matches “for the grill” would be added as well as some Dinty Moores Beef Stew. In just a couple months my bedroom closet top shelf showed a hell of a collection of extra food and supplies.

I was a survivalist.

Reflecting back, this got me thinking about folks today who are looking around at all the craziness and feel like maybe there’s something to this prepping they’ve heard about. Where do they start? How do they bring up the idea to take precautions and prep to their spouse? Are they crazy for thinking such things?

Just investing $10-$20 per week will add up. Basic steps towards being better positioned to deal with food shortages, power outages, crime, etc. is not rocket science. A little extra food. Extra water. Flashlights. Batteries. Blankets. Extra propane for the grill. A good first aid kit. A cash stash.

I should write a No BS Survival Plan.

Hmmmm……… Maybe.



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