Something I’ve noticed for some time is there are so many “experts” on the Internet. Many of these experts have absolutely different opinions on something yet both stage with 100% certainty they are correct and if you think differently, well, you’re an idiot.
One very recent example is related to Trump. President Trump has been in office a short time, and I have already seen many supporters being extremely critical of his moves and stating that they no longer believe in him. It used to be that perfection was not expected of a President – or anyone else. Today it appears that 100% compliance to each individual’s belief system in order to retain support. Trump’s recent moves towards the development of AI and potentially mRNA vaccines have many of his supporters doing backflips. Questioning and suspicion are healthy, however, what I’m seeing is ridiculous.
Another example is related to canning. In numerous canning groups I belong to members are constantly fighting over how long to water bath something, what can be canned and what can’t be, what canning method can be used, and whether to put rings on or not. These can all be healthy discussions, but, that is not what’s happening. These folks are vile, and angry, and state with 100% certainty they are correct and the others are wrong.
It’s nuts.
This is a symptom of a society that has become infected with low morale, low self-esteem, and a lot of stress. People reach out to put others down often in an effort to make themselves feel good. By putting themselves in a situation where they feel superior over someone else they in turn feel elevated and receive a temporary boost in self-esteem.
I only see this getting worse, but, I hope I’m wrong. Wrong? Can’t happen….LOL.
Take care all –
Judge not less Ye be judged.
“I belong to members are constantly fighting over how long to water bath something,”
The professional stays out of the fray. Just listen and use which every methods that give you the best (in this case safest) results. Who is right or wrong should not concern you. Their behavior….maybe if it goes too far. not the actual topic of disagreement.
Just stay out of it.
A lot of this could be cured, if the American People actually knew American History, or had any reading comprehension skills at all! They also seem to have the attention span of a gnat and refuse to read an entire article or explanation before jumping to conclusions. The AI folks made a mistake when they called it an MRNA vaccine and folks failed to listen to the full explanation. They should have said Cancer therapy, similar to radiation or chemo therapy. They have no plans to run around the World injecting every living Person with it. It is also very entertaining to watch the so called “experts” on one topic, immediately shift to being “experts” on a completely separate topic. None of whom have actually done any research on either. I do laugh a lot these days, and sometimes bang My head on My desk.
Over the years I made myself comfortable with people with no experience or training telling me how wrong->stupid I am. Here I sit, well feed, warm, and financially secure where most of those critics are not.
I listen to what others say, then evaluate if it makes sense for me/us, then act accordingly. I’m not always right, but I’m comfortable with my decisions.
so many people in this world now are in a bad place because of their own laziness and sense of entitlement, they sit on their couches all day long doing nothing and IF they work, they only do enough to get a paycheck, wondering why they were passed over for that promotion, and wondering why they they don’t have as much as their hard working neighbor. the only way that they that they can feel better about themselves is to put others down around them, ya know like a drowning person pushing you under to save themselves.
i will turn them loose, swim away and let them sink.
i have helped very many people over the years but there were some that i realized were just bums and i turned them loose to sink or swim on their own.
i do not feel sorry for people like that.