SHTF Scenario: Dirty Bombs Detonated Across The United States

Between 1:00 pm and 2:30 pm, several dirty bombs are detonated in cities across the United States. Initially, these cities are reported to be New York, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Houston, Washington DC, Chicago……and Charleston, SC. Other information coming in is sketchy and other cities and attack-type may be involved.

There is mass panic as the news spreads quickly across radio, TV, and social media. Cell reliability is sketchy in many areas as circuits get overwhelmed. Reports of all kinds come out stating these attacks were conducted by Muslims or by Right Wing radicals although the truth really doesn’t matter at this point. News coverage portrays mass casualties with hundreds of thousands injured and dead. Widespread panic continued. Airports are closed and security is boosted at all major public facilities. AMTRACK is shut down.

Highways and most major roadways fill between 4:00 pm and 5:00 pm as people head home from work. Highways decrease in traffic after 10:00 pm Friday night and remain passable with some stoppages through Saturday 10:00 am – and then get backed up again.

Grocery stores and gun shops are absolutely overwhelmed and by 8:00 pm most shelves are completely empty.

Electricity remains on in our immediate area although news reports state blackouts are scattered all over the country.

By Saturday there are reports of looting and some violence carried out by groups – mostly in inner cities and “bad” sections of cities/towns. Many businesses fail to open or close early on Saturday due to people calling in.

The DOW drops several thousand points before trading is shut down for the weekend. ATM’s are cleared of cash.

That’s what we know – the rest are educated guesses and assumptions.

US, map, terrorist, attack, scenario, dirty bombs, SHTF, preparedness


How people react to this scenario will be dependent on proximity to dirty bombs, population density, area criminal activity, and level of readiness among other things.

You cannot read into the situation that which isn’t there. This is in fact what has occurred. The specifics other than what information has been provided is unknown and can certainly be up to you to interpret. Remember that other areas and cities may have been hit.

Consider your current state of readiness…right now. Not what you plan to do but right this minute. Given the knowledge of your area and your own preparedness plans – how would you react?




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