
I apologize for not posting more frequently lately. We are in the process of moving to Kentucky due to my job. While it is a great opportunity it’s also pretty stressful. It’s a step in the direction we wish to go. Living at our retreat is within our grasp and hopefully, within the next few months, we will no longer be living full-time in a camper and be on acreage.

Northern Kentucky is a means to an end – or a new beginning depending on how you look at it. A few years of sacrifice to be able to then move on to what is truly the end game. In the meantime, we’ll be in a better place, especially with all the craziness in the world.

In another week or so the move will be complete. Traveling back and forth to South Carolina will occur for several weeks before our final move takes place. Looking forward to new challenges.

I’ll get back to posting on the regular soon. Until then – take care and stay safe.



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