
That’s “reality” as in what is real and we experience in life versus “realty” that involves land and property sales. We continue to travel down the path of life and see numerous things pass by us such as Russia/Ukraine, inflation, COVID, the demise of the American foundational principles, etc. The reality is there really isn’t anything we can do about it.

Many of us have been pissed at elections, politicians, media outlets, and the like and it really is for naught. As individuals we live our lives, go to work, have relationships with people – and that’s it. As individuals there simply is little we can do that will affect international relationships, laws passed in Congress, nor the rules and policies that impact us on a daily basis. We can scream at the city council that zoning should be changed but at the end of the day it is rare things will go the RIGHT way(though it happens…..sometimes).

I’ll continue to pronounce the words of frequent visitor and commenter here – Mr. John Gault: Live your life.

Control that which you can control. Live your life and place an emphasis on family and close friends. Make contingencies for that which may happen, prepare for what may occur in the future – including positive outcomes. It may – in fact – all turn out OK. It may also NOT. So, conduct your planning accordingly.

This is not fun.

So with all this craziness going on, I see a lot of people that are absolutely swept up and infatuated with the news. Do you want to know what I did this past weekend? I went to the movies and saw, Batman. Good movie. Enjoyed it. I ate too much popcorn and had a really nice weekend.

This weekend I’m planning on going out and doing something for fun. Balance. Life needs balance. It simply cannot be all doomsday and zombies.

What are you doing for fun this weekend?










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