What a week. Between disasters at work and craziness at home free time and sleep was a rarity.
Ordered and received a 100 watt WindyNation solar panel. This is my second panel and will be added to the 100 watt off grid kit I purchased a couple of months ago. Goal is one more panel to give me 300 watts for this one system. Once I get to trying it out I’ll take some pictures and share.
Picked up a Safariland holster for my Springfield 1911. Love it. It has a lining to help cut down on gun finish wear from taking it in and out of the holster.
Took advantage of a local grocery store sale along with store coupons to pick up a bunch of canned tomatoes, corn, and assorted fruit.
Ordered and received a few packs of 300cc oxygen absorbers to mylar pack some food and place into buckets.
Listened to Trump’s speech from Gettysburg. Pretty good stuff.
Tonight we find out who bit the dust on The Walking Dead. I’m scared!!!!
That’s about it….
Your turn.
Oh…..and don’t forget to vote!!!!
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Received 2 Cima knives, Mountain House food, got salt, pepper, sugar, spices and Sawyer water filter. Added a few mags and 2K ammo – just got the itch to bulk up. Emptied out the Bob’s replaced a few older items with new and added some new things. Grabbed some seeds on clearance. That is all.
– Keep Looking UP
Another great week JBernDrApt!
Picked up 10 5 gallon buckets, 8 water blocks, 10 ammo cans & 2 more 5 gal gas cans. DW found a deal on canned veggies, glad this week’s check was sweet. Picked up 100 rds of JHP .45 PP. The guy behind the counter said in front of about 5 other customers “you know that’s for killing people”. Talk about heads turning. Explained the theory of hollow points vs fmj and sheet rock walls. Then added that you can shoot to stop not just to kill. Tough being grey in this world sometimes.
Side note; if Trump only gave 55 minutes of every 60 minute speech and left out the ONE line that he regreted later he would be a shoe in.
Great job Gunner. You’re right on Trump. He is his own worst enemy.
We shoot to live!!!! We never shoot to kill, stop, or wound. So, next time someone make that statement to you, Just say “I will only shoot to live”.
3rdMan, read your comment to my(mostly)nonpreper husband. He HATES it when i talk preper stuff to him and said he didn’t want to hear it when i told him i had a comment to share. But this time i pushed ahead prefacing it with Gunner’s comment. Your “we shoot to live” was embraced and will be remembered….probably repeated when appropriate by my DH. All you vets/military-thank you for your service AND carrying the torch to light the way for those of us who find the path unfamiliar.
Thinking Abraham or Darryl is getting it tonight
Purchased C and D batteries and some rechargeable batteries to re-stock
our supply and for Christmas gifts-found them at a better price than I have seen in quite awhile.Getting the house ready for winter.-insulating the nooks and crannies.
Cleaned and painted( rustoleum) the garden tools for winter.
Now that the weather has eased here.. Feeding and winterizing bees.. Among the fall garden chores I’m back at construction on some of my projects… as well I’ve decide to focus on some things that might or might not be available after January. Put a safe for my golf clubs on layaway to pick up for a Christmas present.. Got a Costco membership and purchased some bulk supplies .. And figuring out how and when you have a butchering session for my adult quail and Roosters.. As a note I now have friendly Beaver in my pond .. Seems he’s taken residence and likes my willows .. he toppled an 8 inch Oak as well .. we may need to talk .. He can have all the willows he or she wants.. but my hardwoods.. nope… The upside is good firewood.
Have a great week and try and ignore all the ugliness in the media… If you do shoot me a note on how
friend gave me Kbar Kukri over the weekend, picked up some primers, black powder, few bags of shot, ordered a front ballistic plate and some canning jars, constructing a high tunnel green house.
Purchased 4 BaoFeng UV-5R ham radios. This is my first “ham” radio purchase. Now I just need to figure out how to use them. Looking at a solar panel or two next.
Received 500 copper coated lead bullets in 45 cal. now to start reloading