PREPAREDNESS: 2024 Is Fast Approaching

Frequently we use the term “zombie apocalypse”🧟‍♀️ as a somewhat humorous means to discuss preparedness. While we may throw around the term “zombie apocalypse” lightly – it may not be far from the truth. Many of us believe 2024 is going to be a year filled with uncertainty, challenges, and threats. If anything, we need to step up our preps starting now and continue through the coming year.

zombies, zombie apocalypse, get ready, prepper, prep, preps, survival, shtf, 2024,

I remain extremely focused on getting certain preps completed by the end of 2024. I’ve always been goal-oriented and I’ve made a prep list of what I want to accomplish in 2024. This list has now been divided up by the month in which each prep goal is to be completed.

Why am I so focused on preparing in 2024?

There are so many volatile situations that either exist right now or are in the works. Here’s a quick list of a select few:

  • Continued supply chain issues involving food, pharmaceutical products, and numerous other essentials.
  • Cyberthreats are ramping up and cybersecurity experts agree as society becomes more dependent on the Internet and connected with multimedia devices cyberthreats and attacks of all kinds will become more frequent. These attacks could be as simple as phishing campaigns against individuals to cyberterrorism against banks, power companies, and other large companies and organizations.
  • Political division and violence are sure to ramp up in 2024. The upcoming Presidential election is sure to be a powderkeg. Anything is possible including riots, mass protests, and civil unrest.
  • We have pieces of the puzzle getting put together that could very well lead to World War 3. Between the war between Ukraine and Russia, Israel at war with Hamas, China threatening to take Taiwan, and the mass US military buildup in the Middle East it appears calling this a “calamity” would be an understatement.
  • The unprecedented flow of illegal immigrants crossing into the United States over the past 3 years no doubt provided an avenue for terrorists to take position in regions across the country. What are their intent and when will they strike? This is a recipe for disaster and continues daily.
  • The population continues to grow and the demand on the power grid expands with this growth. The growth of electric vehicle ownership has placed a burden on many areas for power systems to keep up with the demand. Experts agree that the national power grid is behind and not keeping up with the demand. Brownouts? Blackouts? Intermittent outages? Regional grid collapse?
  • Drug addiction is growing this is leading to higher crime including theft and violence. These custom drugs are becoming more addictive and more potent with each new generation of development. Families are being destroyed and criminal organizations are becoming stronger and more powerful.
  • The national debt continues to grow and approaches $34 trillion as of this writing. The massive influx of money into the economy over the last 4 years has led to record inflation which has reduced the purchasing power of citizens and created an economy that many find difficult to live in. It continues with no end in sight.

There is no doubt numerous other examples could be added to the list. Have a few in mind? Comment below and share.

Stay safe all(especially from the zombies🧟‍♂️)!!



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