Making Preparedness Too Complicated

I’ve talked to a lot of survivalists and preppers over the years. Far too often people complicate survival and get lost in the details. They try to contemplate and consider every possible scenario. That my friends is simply impossible. With everything going on in people’s lives simplicity – although welcome – sometimes escapes people’s thoughts and perspectives. Sometimes we just want to be provided a guide or guidelines to follow and let our brains focus on other things.

Let’s look at an example: My beautiful MainePrepperGirl(who is way outside my league) hires a personal trainer to provide exercise routines and diet recommendations. She wants simplicity in a provided guide to follow leading to success. Simple.

Food, defense, communication, medical, light, alternative power, etc. all make a preparedness system. Much like going camping but for a longer period of time, it really isn’t that complicated. Consider interruptions of services, an inability to purchase those daily items that typically you can pick up on the way home after work, and a cease to water and electricity flowing into your home. What can you do to mitigate such a condition? Make a list and do it.


May not be easy or cheap but is it really that complex? Not really.

Now – get on that list.



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