Looking for a few book reviewers….. FREE BOOKS!!!

Hello all! I recently published a few books on Amazon and looking for some folks to purchase and leave reviews(hopefully positive!). I’d like to offer free copies to those who may be interested.

What I would like to do is have anyone who would like to pick one simply leave a comment on which one they would like. I can send you a digital Amazon gift card via email for the price of the book. You buy the book, check it out after it arrives – and leave a review. I can only fund so many so let’s start with the first 10 people, however, if I can do more I will.

The preparedness books are all notebooks/journals which include blank template pages for brainstorming, organizing thoughts, recording information, and even spaces for listing inventory. The workout book has 90 workouts worth of log pages as well as a great section on workout routines, nutrition, supplements, etc.

One of the keys to getting noticed on Amazon is to get some sales and reviews. Hope some of you can help!

Follow the links below to check them out and comment below if interested in a free book. I’ll reach out to you so I can get you the Amazon gift card for the book.


SHTF Preparedness Notebook: It’s Time To Get Ready!



The Economic Collapse Preparedness and Planning Notebook



Zombie Apocalypse Preparedness Notebook & Journal



The Ultimate 90-Day Weightlifting Log and Fitness Journal: The Time Is Now! 



Thanks all!



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