It’s Time to Shore Things Up

It’s difficult to imagine a time when the unpredictability of the future is so uncertain and unpredictable. I hate the saying, “To be honest”, but – to be honest, I’m struggling with the insane politics, increasing inflation, crazy ammo prices, guns sold out – and what the hell is going to happen to this country over just the next couple of years.

What I know is the preparedness lifestyle has never made more sense than right now. I know a few on here are fairly new to preparedness. There IS still time, however, if you’re just starting out you’ve got to ramp things up.

For those who have been preparing for a while now is the time to shore things up. What do I mean? Simply imagine if RIGHT NOW as you are reading this you cannot purchase ANYTHING. Whatever you have is what you have.

What would you wish over the coming weeks you had bought more of?

Here are some simple things that are inexpensive but so valuable:

Food: Eat what you store and store what you eat

– Bic lighters(or the cheaper variety)

– 2.5 and 5 gallon gas containers FILLED

– cold and flu medicine(’tis the season in a few months)

– trash bags

sanitation supplies: cleaners, glass cleaner, disinfectant, bleach, wet-wipes, toilet paper, shampoo, etc.

– Zip-Loc bags(fantastic storage)

– tarps

– cordage: paracord is overrated but still worth having. Get rope, bankline, twine, string, etc.

– Knife – a Mora is well worth the money

– batteries

– flashlights(there are things that go bump in the night)

As stated – imagine that RIGHT NOW you have to survive and move forward with whatever you have. What’s missing? What should you have stocked up on more?



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