From the Desk of John Rourke – – – > October 31st, 2023

A couple months back I picked up a Barnett Assualt crossbow off eBay. It was a fantastic deal for $75. Yup – it was used but in good shape. I had to replace the string and buy a scope. Both I picked up off eBay. The scope was used as well and for $25 was another great deal. The local Walmart provided 5 arrows with field tips.

crossbow, Barnett, budget, hunting, survival, prepper, bow, arrow, primitive

A few shots to get the scope sighted in and I’m loving it. Most areas now allow crossbows for hunting and hunting season for crossbows start weeks prior to gun season.  Having this Barnett Assualt will get me in the woods hunting a bit earlier.

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1776 flag, patriot, 1776, flag, cabin, Maine

Best picture I’ve ever taken. Just something about it.

New flag was mounted outside the cabin. Hopefully, the NSA drones don’t notice…LOL.

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Several days ago I posted a video of my splitting and stacking firewood for the upcoming winter.  Other winter preps continue. We had our propane tank(main source of heat) filled and also all of our gas cans and smaller propane tanks have been filled. We have secured multiple sources of heating methods which is critical in an area that can drop to -20 degrees at any time during the winter.

prepper, gas, gas can, metal, get ready, fuel, shortage, preparedness, winter prep,

We continue to look at getting a different woodstove. No decision yet. We are going to clean the chimney and run it for a few hours. If we keep having problems with smoke then we’ll likely opt for a new one that is vented at the top rather than the back.

Lastly – my drive to work is close to an hour. Given the snowy weather I’ll be dealing with looking at getting new tires sometime towards the end of November. The budget is tight so we’ll see.

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I continue to work on Crimson Storm – a fictional account of the coming invasion of the United States of America. Very similar to the plot I mentioned a few weeks ago. Hoping to have it published in the spring – the first in a trilogy. We’ll see.

No – I’m not predicting we are actually going to be invaded, but hey – you never know.

Crimson Storm, book, survival, prepper, prep, get ready, world war 3, ww3, 2A, 2nd amendment, fiction, russia, china, amaerica, trilogy,

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Maine Prepper Girl and I picked up a new chest freezer a few weeks ago. As part of our food storage system, frozen foods including meats and vegetables are a piece of the puzzle. We look for sales and load up when we see something good. A local butcher shop that we frequent has monthly bulk sales. This past weekend they had frozen whole chickens for .98 cents per pound. Great deal and the freezer is filling up!!

Foodsaver, freezing meat, chicken, chest freezer, food storage, prepper, DIY, prep, shtf

We also have been vacuum sealing chicken, dating it – then in the freezer they go!

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The world continues to get crazier. Yeah – like you didn’t know. I continue to contemplate what things will be like a year from now. How about 5 years? You know what? What can we do? Just keep living our lives and try to do things that will make us and those we care about happy. We never know how long we have. Prepare? Of course! That’s common sense.

Keep moving forward folks – day by day, week by week, etc. I suspect things are going to get pretty interesting not that far in the future from now.

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If you haven’t heard of the sale of CCI, Federal, and some other gun companies to a company located in Chekoslovakia it happened within the past couple of weeks. While this may mean nothing as far as supply and quality – it just might. I haven’t really bought any ammo in quite a while as supply levels dictated money being spent elsewhere. I decided I’d start picking up some CCI rimfire as that is by far my favorite rimfire manufacturer.

CCI minimags, CCI Maximags, 22, .22LR, .22WMR, rimfire ammunition, CCI, stocking up, prepper, shtf

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Happy Halloween!!



12% off Halloween Sale – visit HERE to see what’s available.


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