Anyone else think that this “SHTF” we have been planning on for the past couple of decades actually started a few years ago? Anyone else just flat out frustrated it isn’t what we thought it would be – well, at least not yet?
There are so many things going wrong right now not only in this country but all around the world. I truly try to look at things objectively using facts and logic with a little common sense thrown in. I’m trying to see a path towards the recovery of freedom and general positive welfare for all of us. I’m trying to see a path where the United States can become financially responsible. I’m trying to see a way that the people in this country can come together and have common beliefs aligned with what this country was founded with. I’m seeing only a few extremely remote possibilities of that happening. I’d be laughed off the ‘net if I listed them.
If – and that is a very big IF – I’m right then what do we each do about it?
For me and MPG we live life and work to be as happy as possible. Next, we set goals and daily make decisions that lead us towards reaching those goals. We prepare accordingly.
β β β β β
Peanut Butter and Grape Jelly is one of my all-time favorite foods. Add a side of Fritos and we are talking about near perfection.
β β β β β
Talking with a few people some suggested that this inflation may be temporary. I seriously doubt it. The only way I see this reversing is if we enter a depression and we have deflation. Maybe…just maybe. I work as a Plant Manager for a manufacturing company. With that, I have huge exposure to the world of supply chains from varying industries as well as countries. Lead times have grown on many items from days to literally months. Suppliers are struggling to obtain certain ingredients and components needed to manufacture their products. Prices are rising multiple times per year. Everyone seems to be having labor shortages.
It’s real and with many issues involving food production, I have concerns about the empty shelves issue at the grocery store getting worse.
β β β β β
I’m throwing this out there once again because it’s just such a fantastic deal. I have put away a TON of these AR mags and am so close to ordering more. At $4.99 and low flat-rate shipping, there’s not likely going to be a better opportunity to stock up than this. The AK magazines are a heck of a deal as well.
Follow this link if interested.
β β β β β
With the threat of cyberattacks, the importance of having a cash-based emergency fund is even more important. Having $1,000 sitting in the bank isn’t going to be good if you can’t access it. A “cash stash” easily accessible is best.
How much would you recommend? To me, I’m thinking to try to have a few thousand if you can afford it.
β β β β β
Have a great weekend all!!
JR, I am in the Telecommunications business and deal with the material shortage daily. I don’t see an end to it anytime soon.
Also, I am a huge fan of PBJ. Was raised on it and never get tired of it.
I have just finished a book by Glenn Beck,The Great Reset.It explains alot about whats going on.This all a evil well planned and executed plan.It has never been mor clear.This is good vs. evil.
As if we donβt have enough to worry about there is a new potentially deadly
disease that is making an appearance in China.
It is Hemorrhagic Fever and you may have heard of it as Ebola.It is a virus
which has several forms each causing death by bleeding out internally.
A top Chinese scientist who defected to the US and is in hiding says that the
CCP has weaponized the Hemorrhagic Fever and is infecting Olympic athletes so that it can be spread as the athletes return home.
They have also discovered that a common cancer chemotherapy drug is the
cure.It is manufactured by Johnson&Johnson and the Chinese are stockpiling
nearly the entire world supply.
The initial information seems credible.Could it be a wild conspiracy theory?
Possibly but I recall several years ago when the purveyors of evil unleashed
the Covid Virus on the world.At first we were told that we need not be concerned. βNothing to see here folks.Keep movingβ.
The only information that Iβve found is on 2/17/22 in the
Survivalist Odds n Sods section under the title Hemorrhagic Fever. Articles,
interviews,and a podcast are listed.
The is something that I think we should all get ahead of as soon as possible.
Rourke- wow you are raising a lot of exc. points.
What do you believe are the other real issues in the supply chains -excepting labor shortages.
We went from prosperity to inflation in a matter of months ( Trump to Biden)
Brian -I have The GReat Reset ordered from my library.Could you share a few ideas from the book please?
Any one have any ideas re: Ukraine-Russia and if you see a war coming and how that will affect our economy ?
I agree these are very tumultuous times . I agree with putting cash aside if possible. Any amount is better than no amount.
And then there is today’s news that the Canadian police under orders from that little runt, Marxist, maggot, Trudeau murdered three peaceful protesters in a crackdown today.
I think that the entire construct of what is happening is tied to the debt bubble. It is bursting as we speak. The government overreach in just about every country in the West is because they know when the free money, entitlements end, the lynch mobs will descend upon them, hence the control mechanisms set up under the guise of a medical emergency, and now its clear it has nothing to do with our health and well being, its all about control. It is happening simultaneosly everywhere. Canada and GoFundMe have clearly shown that digital currency is for control and abuse against the populace. Yes, cash is the answer. Saw a post today somewhere from a Canadian who went to the RBC bank and wanted to withdraw $20k, they only gave him $10k and said they didn’t have enough currency until next week. He said the personnel looked scared. Plus the big 5 banks up there went offline together the other day. Weaponization of financial, judicial and executive areas are happening and will continue and expand. Turddope suspended the Parliament from meeting to vote on his draconian emergency war act. It is clear to me that this struggle we find ourselves in is for all the marbles. Everything occurring is by design, not accident. Xiden is concerned more about Ukraine border than our southern border. I would encourage everyone to watch this interview of a man, Edward Down, a financial analyst, interviewed by Alex Jones. Mind blowing what he has uncovered and the reasons behind the scamdemic/experimental gene therapy, hint, the bubble is bursting on debt. This guy used to work for Blackrock and he is calling the entire death jab plan a fraud and has the facts to prove it. Moderna and Pfizer stocks are in a big downtrend currently, and the insiders are bailing. They know the game is up. And once fraud is established, there goes their immunity for any and all harm they have caused.
I don’t usually like to watch AJ, but this is an exception, and just skip over the commercial content.
I agree with you that inflation is going to increase. I would suggest keeping as much cash as possible that makes you feel comfortable. Last but not least, I too like PBJ, in fact I had some earlier this morning.
I think the only way out is mass civil disobedience, everyone just stop everything. I would dox every damn politician and their families and surround their homes, nonstop. There isn’t enough praetorian guards to save them. Turn up the heat until they get the message whether they pick up the phone or not. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Thanks Ralph k – I’m going to watch that video.
I also agree the only hope is mass civil disobedience. I’ve thought that for the longest that if the people stood up they can take this country back. I only see this being the case with a leader that can motivate people to do so, otherwise, people will continue to go to work and be good citizens.
Beans, bullets, & cash! As much as I can continue to build. Been buying silver Eagles in tubes to use if currency is no longer accepted. I hate being a registered voter and not having anyone sensible to vote for. I see the shortages and higher prices, and feel it will ultimately lead to Civil War or a monthly Purge. My spouse says she will survive on just eating peanut butter!
I’ve started buying some silver as well and will continue. I question my participation in the political system moving forward. The corruption is ridiculous and looking back over the past 20 years doesn’t really seem to matter who is in office.
As the saying goes, we are only seeing the tip of the mountain. Tuesday I’m going to the bank and draw out some cash and finish the propane system for the generator.
Living full time in a camper I have a small solar system that will only run some lights and the fridge. I need to get a genny and have started looking. Going to get a duel-fuel one once we move to Kentucky. I want to be able to run it with propane.
I just finished retrofitting my two Honda generators that I can run in parallel with a Hutch Mountain Tri Fuel Kit so that I may use gasoline, propane, or natural gas. Working great so far, have to have a natural gas line modified for a take off to connect it, but that won’t be for about two weeks. I like the idea of NG and propane as it doesn’t clog the fuel system like gasoline if it sits, even if it has been prepped with Stabil, and lasts I suppose almost indefinitely or until utility company pumping gas. Also had an electrician install a transfer switch on my electrical panel so I won’t fry the linemen working on downed lines and incur liabilities I do not desire. That is an issue that a lot of utubers miss. Sort of like learning how to do brain surgery and your computer suddenly wonks out. “Nurse, What happened to Hal?, I need him!”
Have to inject some humor once in a while to alleviate reality.
Awesome stuff Ralph! For a fuel stabilizer, I did some research several years ago and I found PRI-G was really good stuff.
Finding silver eagles to buy is difficult. Dealers are rationing the rounds and
requiring buyers to front the money for a 30-60 day delivery.The way the supply chain is disrupted fronting money for any purchase is risky business.
Premiums are high but in the current economic situation the price for an ounce of silver is the best deal around in the world of precious metals.Iβm afraid that soon we wonβt be able to find any to buy no matter what the price is.
Physical only!!! If you donβt hold it you donβt own it.There are a lot of scams out there.
Cash? You’re gonna put your money in a can that has a hole in it, and will continue to leak?
Yes D. Cash. If there is a temporary interruption to the financial tools society utilizes to conduct commerce the local gas station and grocery store are not going to accept a pre-65 quarter as payment. Cash will remain a viable means which to carry on purchasing.
A few comments:
1-How Critical Race Theorists Justify Racist Discrimination | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 132. — This is truly an exceptional video. Yes, its about CRT on the outset but, its truly about Marxism/Maoism and the direction they’re taking our country. Kinda long, clocking in at 1hr. The last 20 mins or so really ties it all together. Just evil… (
(Easy to find via the pc but on mobile, you have to type the whole title as yt kept sending to other titles… take THAT for what it means)
2-Cash is KING. Bartering is a skill you need to learn and have the necessary supplies to keep bartering. Precious metals are useless unless you’re believing that the system will come back to “normal”. If you’re in debt, I would strongly suggest get out of it asap. There’s millions of articles out there than can help you navigate how.
You must be in the Position of FU. ( *language*
3-We have been going down this road for decades. Humans only live 75-85 yrs. The idea that controls, lives on well past us. Educating the young-uns is highly important. Teach them the old ways while guiding them in this world and letting them make their own decisions. This goes for any age group, if they are willing to listen. In the end, you can say you did your best to educate and inform.
4-ANY time one of the so-called leaders speaks, step back from it and listen to the words they use.
“We”, does not mean us. Its directed to other world leaders and their enclave/those who pull the purse strings.
“Terrorist” anyone who goes against their narrative.
“Truth” from their point of view. NEWSPEAK literally before our eyes.
The “little people” are only useful until the next generation comes around and have been properly “educated” and then the whole cycle starts again. Its always the long game….
And lastly:
Life humbles us as we age. We gradually realize how much nonsense we’ve wasted time on. We gradually realize how precious the present truly is. Let this sink in today: The afternoon always understands what the morning never suspected
Appreciate your sharing Whiskey and love your bit of wisdom at the end. Agree 100%.
When people canβt feed their children or themselves and are unable to heat the house there will be wide spread disobedience and it wonβt be civil.
Folks will only put up with so much.I think that the powers that be have way
over played their hand and they know it.
Our troubles are too severe to remedied at the ballot box.Good luck to those
that deserve it.
As I see it, between the fraudulent voting machines, corrupt political machines, the dem/repub uniparty, the useless and dangerous media except alternative media ( such as you btw), the financial implosion that has started, the only avenue out is to separate ourselves from the illicit system as much as possible . Act, function and support local establishments, bond with your neighbors, educate who you can and don’t waste time on the brain dead, they are incapable of critical thinking.
I will get some PRI-G on your recommendation. To everyone buying silver, I would encourage you to get US coins not rounds, more likely to obtain a fair market price when you need to sell and more recognizable. Also, major dealers such as Apmex and have inventory and are very reputable and deliver quickly. Yes the premiums are certainly uncomfortable to pay, but as things get worse, the premiums will climb, like everything else. And it is as much a deflationary hedge vs an inflationary hedge for the coming times. Cash on hand of course will be good for a while yet. In fact while everyone is thinking the USD will crash, and it will eventually, money from all over the western world is going to flow here escaping the pandemonium of Europe, Canada, Australia to name a few, and that will bolster our dollar…for a while. Of course one should use some of their monies for essential items first, and do it soon. I also would like to recommend Jack Lawson’s The Civil Defense Manual, its 2 volumes, pricey at almost $100, but a plethora of information covering the gamut of all that we learn here and other sources. The LDS Preparedness Manual, much cheaper, but again covers a lot of ground we are interested in.
I am expecting TPTB at some point in the not too distant future to close off the internet or severely curtail access, also including financial systems (Canadian truckers shut off from banking, asset seizures, they love the idea of a total electronic monetary system since they control the switch), social media for sure is going down. They are cornered, they know that we know that they know it. Expect them to double down in their efforts to stay in power. If they shut down the power grid, all bets are off, many will perish. Definitely get out of the blue hive cities while you can, they will become Sarajevo in the coming times. Think about a small group of truckers block access to major blue metro areas by stopping on bridges, major highways, abandoning and destroying their vehicles, the cities immediately will turn into death zones. A flash mob of sorts action. Infrastructure will crumble immediately. The just in time inventories strategy will rear its ugly head. Don’t want to be there, period. It will be very difficult for some to do so, but to not will be a mistake many will not survive from.
We are on the cusp of the end of our empire as we know it. Like so many civilizations before it, our real enemies are from within. Technology has progressed at light speed it seems, but human nature is the same now as in the distant past, learn from history. While our future looks bleak, many will survive and at some point from the chaos a new beginning will take hold. Pray for divine guidance and deliverance from evil. Thanks for listening.
Great stuff Ralph k and I agree. What you describe as far as getting out of cities, bonding with neighbors, etc. sounds similar to my American Exit Strategy.
As for silver I have grabbed some rounds, but also some “junk” silver as well. I agree on getting the US coins. They are recognizable – although more subject to counterfeiting as well. I like APMEX as well as Money Metals Exchange.
The Civil Defense Manual 2 book set is fantastic as you describe. I reviewed some months back.
Thanks again.
Glad to do a quick synopsis of Glenn Becks”The Great Reset”It gives insight on how the global elites think they are going to control the world.Large international banks,and some insurance companies signed agreements under the guise of Enviormentalism.The agreement was to assisgn ESG scores
Enviormental,Social and Goverment scores on people looking to borrow money or get insured.Beck belives this will lead to social credit scores so the goverments can control how you spend money.Beck recomends pulling your money from these large banks and putting it in smaller local banks or better yet Credit Unions(you are part owner), I made a point of letting the branch managers the ESG scores are why I was pulling my money out.Beck does a great job of shedding light on these globalists operating in darkness.If we all take measures to counter this evil we will win.
All cash/currency is Fiat in that itβs only value is trust that individuals give it.
We trust that the dollar is worth something even though it is not backed by
anything. Whatever is in the Depository at Fort Knox if anything is no where
near enough to cover the insane number of US dollars in circulation world wide.
The purchasing power of the US dollar is as low as it has ever been and going lower ever day. When the digital dollar system is imposed on us your
cash will be useful for starting fire or toilet paper.
No Fiat currency has ever survived forever and never will.The politicianβs will
see to that.Cash will have a very limited use for a short period of time when
the inevitable financial and economic crash hits us.
Gold and silver have been used monetarily since their discovery somewhere
around 3000-5000 years ago. That is an undeniable historical fact.
Fortunately modern technology has developed many industrial uses and applications for gold and silver thereby increasing their value greatly.
There is a finite amount of gold and silver both above and below the ground.
China,Russia,India and many other countries are stock piling every ounce that they can get their hands on.Their acquisitions are measured in tons not
ounces. That should tell us all that something bad is afoot.
In the world that we are headed for bartering will be key to survival and your stash of barter goods will keep you going for awhile until your supplies
run out or no one has what you need. Then what? You can try to buy what
you need with worthless pieceβs of green paper that no one will accept.
Then what?
Everyone recognizes pre-64 dimes,quarters,and half dollars.The authenticity
and value can be easily established.Silver dollars and Eagles will be used for
larger transactions.Having a test kit would be a good idea.
I believe that the main benefit of gold is long term wealth preservation.The
one tenth ounce fractional will work in some barter situations.
If there is a recovery those with gold and silver will be in a good position.
Those without not so much.
Iβm not an expert but Iβve learned a lot from those that are.
Find Lynette Zang,Egon von Greyerz,Jim Rickerts or Robert Kiyosaki online.
They will not steer you wrong.
Time is short.If you snooze you loose.
i keep quite a bit in small bills and change. remember that people may not be able to make change for a 100 on a five dollar purchase.
you could either pay a hundred dollars for a five dollar item or leave without it.
SHTF is going to start at different times for each of us. 1) we all define SHTF as different items; 2)different events; 3) and different levels of disaster.
SHTF must occur after on any day after 7PM.Happy Hour is 5PM-7PM.
To interfere with Happy Hour would be rude and uncivilized.
By the way the city in China that is locked down with the out break of
Hemorrhagic Fever is Xiβan. There is a print article on Radio Free Asia dated
12-21-21. The info is vague as most gook comments are.Can you think of any other important stories that were down played initially?
JR-I agree with you on most everything except the peanut butter and grape jelly. The Fritos can not be on the side, they must be IN the sandwich!