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  1. Methane says:

    Yep. Always have these thoughts as we continue to upgrade our preps. Hardening our defenses help to prevent bugging out. Castle on a hilltop would be great. Kids grow up fast and I had no reservations of teaching mine how to shoot at an early age.

  2. Clark Youngs says:

    My heart always weighs heavy when I think about all those who will not make it… you know the saying “hard times breed hard people”? Well I whole heartedly believe this is true, and 95% of The United States is very, very, very SOFT… it’s not going to be easy to see, if fact I often question is it going to be worth it… I mean the things we see and ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO DO TO SURVIVE, will make you ask YOURSELF that same question if you haven’t asked yourself this yet, then your ideal and my ideal of how bad it’s going to get are very different, oh and that being the case I’m cheering for you to be right!!

  3. SP1 says:

    Love the picture….Find some spray paint and hit the kids back pack would be high on my list of things to do. Thanks for sharing the picture.

  4. enn ess says:

    Nice pic – to me says all that needs be said especially in this age of uncertainty. To me it’s saying – we got each other kid, there isn’t anything we can’t conquer – we’ll get through this together. The one needing someone to protect, lead, and teach, the other for someone to look up to for guidance and how to get through life as uncertain as it is. Each reliant upon the other, much as it’s always been intended to be… Thats how societies function.

  5. DR says:

    Is that a toy bunny on the kid’s backpack? I think the kid will soon learn that rabbits aren’t toys — they’re dinner.

  6. JEFF WALLIN says:

    the things you mention are eye opening to say the least.
    I, like you, hope we are wrong but it scares me to think we are right. Even my own kids are not prepared for the worse, hell I’m not 100% sure I am, but I damn sure are better prepped than most…. That being said, how and or SHOULD us like minded people find a way to some how ban together? Some time or place? OR are we better off on our own? The Apache lived for years evading the “government” by being mobile…till almost 1900 .just a thought. are we better off mobile or dug in?
    .would like to here your thoughts

  7. John Hancock says:

    Hello Jeff,
    My plan has to always been to unite with others but I go about this plan very differently than most in the preparing community goes about it, in this since I’m sort of a black sheep on the subject, but I will try to explain, as a father who has lost a child I’ve come to a different realization as to how to counter the friends and family conundrum of “I’m coming to your house when SHTF” and I know you’ve probably heard people say, no you won’t or you will see the business end of my riffle, or I’ll be gone, well it is fun to tell those that we cared about enough to come out and say to them that you need to get prepared, I mean let’s face it we all know the the stigma that’s associated with “PREPPER” well to be fair that’s more pre-Covid stigma I’m talking about rather than now, I think prepping may actually be closer to main stream now, but maybe that’s just me, your mileage may very, anyways it is frustrating trying to convey the importance of being prepared to friends and loved ones just to watch them ignore your heartfelt warnings and be wasteful with their money and not feel a little resentment as they tell you they will just come to your house and use your supplies the same supplies you skipped vacations or meals out for to get right? And I totally understand and agree I’ve had those feelings many times, BUT this is where I go against the grain so to speak because from the very beginning I’ve planned and prepped to save those very people that don’t listen to me and even poke fun at me from time to time. Why wood you do that you might ask, well if I just said the simple truth that I love them that would be enough, but besides the fact that these are my people I’ll give you even better reasons why. First off forming a like minded group of people like ourselves is not a easy thing to do at all, we are forward thinking people that do not flow with the sheep, we are pretty much all leaders, otherwise how would you have came this far in this preparation community? You did not follow anyone to make these conclusions, you did the work, the research, you laid attention to your surroundings, you took charge of you and your family’s protection, prepping is by nature a leadership role, now that being said what happens when you get to many chiefs and not enough Indians? Lol a lot of arguments about who is right on how to do what, on the other hand all the unprepared sheep have nothing to lose no skin in tbe game they will form up a 100, a 1000? Just for the promise of a meal if they attack your farm. So if you go it alone how do you provide 24 hour security look outs, how do you grow the crops, hunt, forage, cook, cure meats, or any of the other daily task without someone watching over the area as security so your not picked off by the first refugee happens bye with a 22? Chances are you won’t survive that way, and my question to you should you really want to? Surviving is important, but at what cost to you? How much is to much? To leave your friends and family behind and not try to help them in return would help you? What’s life without all the people in that we love? My answer to you is you already have a tribe, 2 Cubs of rice is one pound, 2 cups of beans is one pound beans and rice both have around 1600 calories per pound. By my calculations if you buy in bulk you will spend $700.00 for a one year supply 2500 calories a day of just beans and rice. So if you had a year supply for every person you could reasonably save that’s close enough to you, you could say it cost you 700 per person that you want to save, now they won’t be skilled like minded preppers but they will learn if you lead and teach, as a business owner I have many employees, as I get employed I try to get some time in with each of them and learn their attributes, what are their interest, what are they good at, what do they like to do, then I try to pair them with task I know they will be good at, your friends and family can be delegated in the same manner. I’m not saying to not try to make those connections with like minded people and or groups because they/you together will certainly increase your odds of survival I’m just say to to your closest circle and expand upon it. Life is nothing g more than the relationships you make and the memories you make, that’s all we have left at the end. Without the people we love who makes us happy what’s left to fight for, to wonder the wastelands and be the last mans standing??? Or is it in who we left behind the people we saved. Our forefathers didn’t write the constitution for themselves, they were selflessly trying to protect the generations to come from the oppressions they paid for in blood to break free from, they did it for all Americans. To often the prepared community is reclusive and self centered thinking. Ever hear the saying it takes a whole village to raise a child? I think it will take a village to survive. In tbe beginning human will be the greatest threat to us. Unless you feed him then he will be your most loyal ally. Those you save will be eternally i those you don’t will do everything they can to kill you and take it from you.The fewer in your group the more vulnerable you will be if your discovered. I hope that helps sorry about it being so long winded.

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