Dream Gun: Colt AR-15A2 HBAR .223 Rem

Back in the 80’s when the AR-15 and M16 were going through several transitional versions like a teenager changes their clothing style, the HBAR by Colt was released. I remember as a young survivalist that the HBAR was simply, “cool!”

This is around the same time the Colt Combat Elite .45ACP came out and the Colt Delta 10mm 1911. Yeah, I was a Colt fanboy back then. Several Colt guns including the Python and Combat Commander remain on my “wish list”.

Today the HBAR can be bought or built. Why would someone take that path? Well, if the goal of a defensive firearm is to put rounds on target accurately in rapid succession – the HBAR with its 20″ barrel is an excellent choice. Running much heavier than a standard M4 or CAR-15, recoil is pretty much nothing. The longer barrel ensures maximum velocity. Recoil? Well, pretty much any AR has minimal recoil. Muzzle rise(different than recoil) is much better than a carbine variant.

Colt Combat Elite .45ACP

So – I have not had an HBAR and I’ve never shot one. I’ve dreamt of having one though and that’s good enough, right?Β  I’ve read numerous articles about them back in the day. I’d really like to build one at some point as the original is just too expensive.

got HBAR?

Not yet.


Prepper's Guide to Building a Survival & Preparedness Arsenal | Instant Digital Download | Printable | Survival | Prepare | SHTF | Get Ready

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πŸ’₯ Prepper's Guide to Building a Survival and Preparedness Arsenal πŸ’₯

🎯 A guide to building a budget-friendly and well-rounded arsenal in preparation to what's coming.
πŸ‘ Building a survival and preparedness arsenal is an essential part of any complete preparedness system.
πŸ”₯ As the world continues to become more dangerous self-defense and being able to respond to a variety of situations is critical.
πŸ’£ In the aftermath of a SHTF event, law and order will be questionable at best, leading to increased threats from desperate individuals or groups. Defensive firearms serve as a means to protect oneself, family, and property from potential harm, providing a deterrent effect and a last line of defense against hostile elements.
πŸ“™Over 70 pages or unique information that comes directly from the author who has been in the preparedness lifestyle for over 40 years.
Once purchased the guide will be available via instant download.
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Thanks again, stay safe, and take care. πŸ™‚
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