We all prepare for different – but similar reasons: Love for family and friends is a popular one.
Wouldn’t it be great if we could all come together for a common cause to help each other should some disaster occur? Imagine a network of people who have a variety of skills and talents with the ability to communicate and assist each other.
How would this happen? How would we even connect? Perhaps a meeting? Starts with a conversation. Maybe a laugh or two over a hotdog and a Coke.
Could we ever get past the OPSEC mentality that everyone is a potential threat and “trust no one”? Could we be open enough understanding that beyond race, religion, gender, and all the other terms used to divide us that WE are Americans and just want what is best for our family, friends – and maybe even each other?
While on November 4th across this country there will be well-funded groups set to divide us and destroy that which the Founders created. No – I would suggest on November 4th we give those poor lost souls a virtual middle finger and each of us seek out like-minded folks in an effort towards brotherhood.
Maybe. November 4th.
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Oh it’s already happening. In the words of Steve Bannon:
Bannon: ‘Our movement will defeat you in primaries or force you to retire’
Establishment Republicans Fall Like Dominoes: Luther Strange, Bob Corker, Jeff Flake Gone.
I heard Soros donated 18 Billion to his alphabet coffers earlier this week.
November for could be the Tet like out break, but we will see
I see myself much like the dude from the book “Lucifers Hammer”. I am a man with many talents (movie Taken).
I am an 56 year old engineer, with many years in DOD and 2 deployments to central america, worked the family farm and some ranching.
Now i am a self reliant individual.
Both your pictures to day are awesome. ‘I am Legend’ is a favorite of ours.
We have been wondering whether the 4th will be a non-event, or not. Just to be safe, we took the day off of work.
On that coming together and helping each other part–Amen!
Happens every Sunday and throughout the week at…
Our church.
Yes I have envisioned many preppers all helping one another !! For now we have 4 families. Two will be building their homes on land we will sell to them ( at a very fair price)so we are slowly developing our community.Lightning
The big storm is hitting us here in the Northeast. Over a million folks w/o power. Winds are so high that two of our trees snapped in half ( with diameters of 10 inches) Glad they werent by the house. Temps falling fast and will be in the 30s tomorrow.Lightning