From the Desk of John Rourke – May 12th, 2017

Has anyone had any experience with ETS magazines? Specifically their higher capacity Glock magazines. If so – what have you used the magazines in? Any issues at all?

I’ve seen some good prices out there.

ETS magazine, Glock, 9mm carbine, AR

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I had someone recently tell me that the obvious political positions I express on this website hurts traffic due to offending nearly half the population.

My response?


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The IT department was throwing away some UPS systems. I scavenged them up for the batteries inside. Will add them to the solar system planned at the retreat.

solar power, batteries, UPS, preparedness, off grid,

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Hope everyone has a great weekend. Be safe and have fun!!

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  1. vandal67 says:

    The people you offend are not interested in what you publish, except to criticize. So, keep up the good work!!

  2. Jim says:

    I work from home quite often and don’t have the opportunity to offend nearly as many people as I would like.
    I look to you to take up the slack.
    “Thank You” in advance for your efforts.

  3. Firehawk says:

    Frack ’em all. If they don’t want to watch this channel, they can just change it. Damned liberal socialist progressive, commie pinko, snowflake moonbats…! Keep up the great work, ya’ll! Clean ’em, lube ’em, lock and load ’em…! Ooooo….Raaahhhh…! Semper Fi….!

  4. JBernDrApt says:

    Offend them – isn’t that the point??? Keep up the good work sir! Your site and views are appreciated. Love the product trials and recommendations.
    – Keep Looking UP

  5. Oren says:

    So I guess your opinions, which we share, are not welcome in their “safe space”. They must feel threatened. Too bad. Sooner or later, that bunch will have to wake up and realize the world does not revolve around their socialistic views and somebody must be the adult.

  6. M says:

    Love the comments…brought a smile on this Friday morning. Always look forward to your posts and learning a thing or two. Keep up the great work!!!

  7. goingray58 says:

    Soooo on being offended:
    causing someone to feel deeply hurt, upset, or angry.
    “the allegations made are deeply offensive to us”

    actively aggressive; attacking.
    “offensive operations against the insurgents”

    No one can be offended without their “feelings” being the primary concern.
    For instance I prefer miracle whip, my daughter on the other hand wants nothing to do with anything NOT mayonnaise. It’s preference and we agree to disagree. That is what should be done with definition 1. IMO Believe what you want and plan accordingly.

    The problem really is that the left experiences definition 1 and moves as though it were definition two and returns aggressive action to solve and emotional issue.
    Apples and Oranges .. They aren’t the same thing and one cannot modify the other directly. .
    The right, for the most part says fine believe what you want and go somewhere else. Our beliefs are not for sale or barter.
    We are willing to defend those beliefs without forcing other to support them.
    We move to definition two in return for aggression, and coercion etc..
    Like for like.. which is a lot like eye for an eye.
    That seems fair to me. And it teaches a lesson as well as can be equally applied to everyone regardless of how we “feel” about them. And there’s the rub between left and right.

    Say on my friends. The price for Liberty and Freedom is vigilance and sacrifice.
    The future we want depends on us.

    PS Yes I know I think to much. 🙂

    1. Capt.Michaels says:

      Love your e books :).
      Johnny 5, alive. Need more input.

      Was looking for you a few days ago on EMP threats and what not.

      1. goingray58 says:

        Thanks man..
        JR has my private email.. I’m cool with a chat outside the BLOG if you like …
        Gimme a shout sometime.

  8. CaptTurbo says:

    Political correctness and appeasing the snowflakes is how we sank so low as a nation. It’s time we all get our flame throwers ignited. They can feel the bern. lol

  9. jh says:

    If the political stuff you post offends people who visit here looking for preparednes information THEY are the ones who have a problem, not your posts. You generally keep it very generic, not like some who really get political and take a ‘us vs them’ attitude. After being on a few liberal prep sites/blogs, I find it interesting once you erase the politics – Preparedness is Preparedness. Everyone is preparing for the same thing – to keep their family safe or to limit the impact a event will be on them. There are right AND left wing zelots who think the collapse will be the greatest thing in history so THEY can start up a community/compount/cult of followers to make the world run as they seem fit. It’s the same on both sides. Anyway.. Tam who writes View from the Porch has been testing out some of the ETS mags for a while now. she’s on purpose not cleaned or lubed and firing a bunch of ammo through them. She’s starting to see failure to feeds due to them getting dirty using wolf/tula ammo.

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