See Part #1 here – – > Current Events and the Decline of America Part #1
In Part #1 of this series, I did my best to provide some perspective on the current state of America and compare it to the great idea she once was. All great empires and societies throughout history come to an end….eventually. Can it be saved? Yes. It is possible. The actions required to accomplish such a feat is not going to occur with our current political climate and social self-destructive ideology. There would have to be some great reckoning to generate change that will not only unite this country but unite with the ideals which it was founded.
So, we have identified that America has run its course and although we can have hope we need to face the reality that the world as we know it changing – and not for the better. The American Empire will transform – is transforming before our very eyes. The big question for all the prizes is what do we do now?
Here’s the answer:
You must enact your American Exit Strategy.
What is an American Exit Strategy? Simply put it’s a plan of action in which the desired outcome is to minimize the potential negative effects of a changing society, government, and culture. One of the many goals would be to become as independent and self-reliant as possible. Reducing dependency on such things as grocery stores, government programs, and policies, and service industries is desired.
If you are familiar with Mark Goodwin’s book American Exit Strategy, that is absolutely where the term comes from. In the book, the economy and civilization are collapsing. It is suggested by the Conservative, Independent Presidential candidate in the story that people must prepare by stockpiling food and other supplies and relocate out of the cities where civil unrest is sure to occur. He refers to the preparation for what is coming as an American Exit Strategy.
From a preparedness perspective, the correct course of action is to minimize exposure to risks and threats. With all that has happened, is happening, and the uncertainty around the corner getting away from potential civil unrest must be made a priority. Getting out of the cities – away from the cities – and into the country is essential. If permanent relocation is not possible and in many cases it’s not, then creating a “bug out plan” to relocate must be the main component of the American Exit Strategy.
Relocation: Population Density
The most dangerous threat when it all comes crashing down comes from people. Take a look around at what is happening in the area of Seattle known as “CHAZ”. When lawlessness spreads and civil unrest become more the norm being as far away from population centers will be immensely beneficial. Population density is generally measured in the number of people per square mile. When planning an American Exit Strategy, relocation – or at a minimum having a bug out location that has a very low population density is a priority.
Small towns and small communities generally have smaller problems. They also react at a much lower level to events transpiring around the world – or up the highway in a larger metropolitan area. Having a neighbor some distance away measured in hundreds of yards or miles is much better than in feet.
Mars Hill is located in the very northeastern part of Maine. It’s a very small town hours away from what anyone would consider a large city. The population density is approx. 42 people per square mile. Mars Hill has a crime rate score of A-, which is significantly better than, say, Atlanta which ranks an F. While crime rate scores are subjective and based on many data points they are a useful guide when comparing areas.
Mars Hill has a population of between 800-1000 people depending on the source. With a population density of 42 per square mile, it would not be difficult to find land “out on the sticks” with few neighbors. Raw land can be purchased as low as $400 per acre in quantity and away from more populated central areas. Population density plummets in these more remote locations.
The negatives for Mars Hill:
- Low employment opportunities.
- Severe winter weather with snowfall annually measured in feet.
- Short growing season.
- Dangerously frigid temperatures during the winter.
There are more specifics to consider when looking at a location for bugging out or completely relocating to. This example just covers a few basics.
[Most people will go out of their way to avoid an area like this, -21° F]
Once a decision is made for relocation, typically the next question to answer is in regards to housing. Do you get a piece of land with a house, build a house, camper, RV, Yurt, shed, tent? The options are endless. Available funds will likely be the deciding factor. For those with a large source of funding – a house, cabin, bunker, or fortress or whatever will be selected and it’s an easy decision(get what you want). For the purpose of this article, I’ll focus on those like most of us(on a budget).
A few thoughts:
- Campers/RV – for those on a budget, campers and RV’s are hands down the best value in protection from the elements. Campers come as self-contained homes with all the typical essentials and comforts at a fraction of the cost of an actual house. Obviously, things such as lighting, heat, air conditioning, etc. require electricity. Off-grid power can be set up with solar fairly inexpensively and campers are readily compatible. Generators are frequently used as well in combination with solar to provide power as needed.
When looking for a camper or RV it pays to have patience and perform widespread searches. There are some fantastic deals that can be found by anyone IF you take the time to look and don’t jump on the first one you see. The specifics about the different models, designs, options, etc. is not something to be covered in this article. One thing I will say is you DO NOT have to have a vehicle capable of moving a camper. There are many moving services available across the nation that will move a camper hundreds of miles, put in its place – at very low costs. This is one of the main reasons it pays to search large areas on Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, etc.
- Sheds – Go search the internet for information on living in a shed and you’ll find a hodgepodge of information from customization and suggestions on how to do it, to how dangerous it is and you are evil for suggesting such a thing. Let me cut to the chase: A shed is NOT a house and as a structure is not built the same as a house. Regardless – it is a viable option to consider when setting up a “camp” or “retreat” for surviving some seriously bad times. In fact, it’s a viable option for having a weekend getaway as well, but, that’s for another article. There are considerations that must be made when setting up a shed to live in. Those specifics go beyond the scope of this article, however, I will say that things such as ventilation, leveling, moisture control, insulation, utilities, sealing, sewer, water – just to name a few.
Minimally sized sheds capable of being lived in can be purchased for as low as $3,000. The costs go well beyond the initial cost as those modifications and additions already mentioned must be done. Building it yourself will save quite a bit of money.
- Shipping Container – Shipping container homes are often discussed as a means for inexpensive, yet, durably constructed shelters. There are good reasons. Containers are used for shipping “stuff” across oceans aboard large ships. They are durable and built for stacking. They are NOT built for burying.
There are two basic sizes – 20′ foot and 40′ foot containers at 8 feet wide. This is 160 and 360 square feet respectively. With the correct skills, containers can have windows and doors cut in them. It is NOT safe to inhabit a container as they are built.
Much like a shed, shipping containers are hollow shells and will need to be furnished and finished with sewer, light, power, etc. Large flatbed trucks must access the area in which the container is being placed so this may negate some areas.
Shipping containers can be purchased as low as $1,500-$3,000 each and can be stacked or placed side-by-side. Some very unique and interesting housing units can be built with containers.
- Tent – Probably the least expensive shelter option is the tent. In the picture below a large what I would call “base camp” tent is shown. Tents can be purchased in a variety of materials such as canvas that are extremely durable. Large base camp tents often have openings for tent stove chimneys.
The con’s on tents are obvious with very little protection from the elements leading the way.
A complete discussion on supplies needed within an American Exit Strategy plan would go well beyond the scope of this article. What I will say is the old adage – “Beans, Bullets, and Band-Aids” is a good start. Common sense dictates that essential supplies need to be available in quantity. Large quantities.
Examples of Supply Catagories:
- Food
- Water
- Firearms, Ammunition, Magazines, etc.
- Medical Supplies – prescriptions, first aid, Flu medicines, etc.
- Sanitation
- Communication
- Cooking
- Tools
- …..and more
How much to stock up on is a discussion that will have brothers stabbing each other with butter knives. The answer breaks down simply as much as possible. Common suggestions provide a minimum of one year of everything. What happens when one year goes by and everything is used up? Plan accordingly.
Storage of supplies is another issue. Built your American Exit Strategy plan around a shed? You’ll need another shed just for your supplies.
An entire series of articles could be developed just of the various supplies needed to live an independent and self-reliant life.
In Part #1 we reviewed what has happened to this country and the case was made that it’s truly just a matter of time before it all comes crashing down. The events we are witnessing now would fit right into the stories of such books as 299 Days, Patriots, and Doomsday: Apocalypse. Unfortunately, we are in the real world and presently are experiencing the early stages of a domestic conflict. The next few years will be very interesting as over time things will likely evolve to be more volatile and dangerous.
The hope – and my gut is telling me – is there will be a pause in the escalation. This temporary delay is what I and many others are counting on to work towards the completion of our American Exit Strategy. Whether permanent relocation is the plan or bugging out to a pre-determined location – the time is now to get ready.
Last thing: There are those that will suggest implementing such a plan is giving up. They may suggest it’s an act of cowardice. I think quite the opposite. It’s being responsible and dealing with these changing times in an appropriate manner. I am no less a Patriot today than 10 years ago. I love these United States and for all it stands.
Please comment below and share your thoughts.
Rourke: Follow my personal American Exit Strategy Project only on Patreon!!
Been reading you a long time, Rourke, not on board with some views but agree with exit strategy. You might enjoy a free huge book Prosper you can download at by Chris Martenson, a guy I met ten years ago and have been following ever since. He is 100% apolitical and is more concerned about issues related to personal and community stuff. Let me know what you think.
I’m afraid that I consider Trump close to a mass murderer and traitor for doing nothing before and after the virus appeared. He does not care about us dying as long as he can be elected Caesar. I suspect history will see him as the American emperor who fiddled while America both burned and died but JMHO.
Good luck.
StevefromMA – thanks for the comment. Disagreement is always OK(it’s ok for you to be wrong if your opinion is different than mine…LOL).
I just went and downloaded the book. I may get the audio addition so I can listen while traveling.
I’m curious about your opinion on Trump. What should he have done different in your opinion?
Typical of people who Monday morning quarter back. They always have the right answer when looking backwards in time. The President did the best he could with the information he had. Remember people attacked Bush also saying he should have connected all the dots concerning 9/11. Always easy to connect the dots after the fact!! The Marxist are on the march and this guy wants to blame Trump for a virus. Many more will die from the Marxist purge, if they’re able to gain power.
Thank you for your insight, Rourke!
I live in a rural area. The problem with that is we have been inundated with people coming her from the cities in hope of a “better lifestyle”. They have not attempted assimilate into our community values (traditionally Christian conservative) as much as they have foisted their liberal beliefs upon us. They have taken over our local government and have foisted their broken policies upon our community. Sadly, we are now outnumbered and are being out voted because the students who attend the local university have gained the right to vote in our local elections.
There was one fellow I met who was talking about coming to our area if the SHTF as we are farmers, well prepared and could take care of him and his family. My wife assured him that he would not be welcomed.
I believe that we are going to have more and more of his ilk who come to rural areas believing that they are just going to be cared for by those of us who have spent a lifetime trying to continue our traditions and provide for our families. They will be disappointed.
Thanks for sharing JC. That is a definite problem you have. This is where population density plays such a huge role. In your specific situation security would have to top the list and in order to secure property, there has to be numbers. Hopefully, you are networking with like-minded folks.
Good inf. Rourke- the exc. ex. is Panhandle Rancher . who is well .
My advice after being well prepped is to continue to vote out the Dems and vote in the Conservatives and YES bombard the current ones with your communications. We have a small window now to save our nation- let s use it. Call every news station (except Fox that does an exc. job) and bombard them with your opinions and tell them you will no longer watch them. Every phone call matters.
Support conservative efforts such as the Heritage foundation- National Rifle-
Tom Fitton- Judicial Watch etc. PRAY and build support in your community.
If I was 20 years younger and in better health I would move to Maine in a heart beat.
Keep your powder dry folks…. Arlene
We certainly have had peaks and valleys over the last couple years.. Each time the peak is higher, but hasn’t broken over as a wave yet. It will at the election if no other time. Then we’ll see who and what based on who wins. My intent is to do everything I can before then. Not really behaving differently, just escalating and re-prioritizing a few things..
I’m working from home full time now as is my wife .. a huge help and blessing.
BTW I like “Mark Goodman’s – Economic Exit Strategy” as well.
Forward Observer (former intelligence guys) classifies the US in a “Low Intensity Conflict” That is a state of war that has violence, and small arms. A fair classification I think.
Be very careful with your 1’s and 0’s in banks and financial various instruments. They are not good to you if you cannot get to them. At the moment you can.
Retirement accounts .. SS payments, supplemental payments, VA Disability to name a few
Everyone has a footprint.. if you have read the suggested books and know WWI and WWII history .. you know what a buy in is..
I really do ride the fence to much at this point.. a form of Normalcy Bias and maybe fear. Fixing the fence part now, and working on the other.
I have pretty much decided a safe family means I don’t make big noises, that draw attention. I’ll never be gray enough to pretend to be a Lima.. but I am a good gray grasshopper.. 🙂
Thanks for the writing
Watching from afar , I can see the merits in the exit strategy. I do believe for it to be successful you will need to move quickly and try to immerse yourself in the local community not to be seen as an outsider before the shtf . I think a decline will be further spread than just American as society as we know it has run its course. With the need to be more self sufficient and
lack of reliability on the major food change . I think permaculture could hold a few answers there. I believe everyone needs an exit strategy to look after their families. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
JR, Thanks again for your time and sharing your thoughts. I am a huge Mark Goodwin fan. Enjoyed his exit strategy concept and plan. I have to say I agree we are on the downward slide without much hope for recovering. When you turn from God, forget the teachings and example of our Forefathers and refuse to learn from or even recognize history you are doomed to repeat it.
I think we all should step up our training, knowledge and preps. All the supplies in the world won’t save us if we aren’t fully prepared. Training and knowledge are very important ingredients. I continue to work with my children to make sure they will be able to care for their families. I do wish they could see the need like most of you and I do.
I will be stepping up what I do and be ready by the election, I feel this will be the next pivotal point as we move forward. Thanks again for these articles!
– Keep Looking Up
It is sad to contemplate all you have written because the truth of it all. Voting helps,
sometimes, but I fear massive fraud this time around. And to be quite honest, Trump was only going to delay what is happening on a global scale now. Revolution is in the air everywhere. Your call to prepare is really all that matters now. My family moved out of kalifornia a decade ago, first to Nevada, and ultimately the Pacific northwest redoubt area. And still I saw some protests here by the morons, but nothing like in the cities elsewhere. Our town was flooded with locals, armed to the teeth when word that antifa was coming. Firearms openly displayed, perhaps 200+ patriots and the police just cruised around not bothering anybody. Astonishingly, the local press gave a fairly unbiased report about it all, and in the letters to editor, I would say a third of respondents displayed their leftist ideology and discomfort with the 2A supporters action. Despite all that, I foresee the further breaking down of supply chains, power, and communication is coming no matter what. One must prepare because its all going to be local at some point in our not too distant future. We get ready, learn new skills, I train twice a month with others in the firearm arena, garden, and make an effort to live as normally as possible otherwise to preserve sanity. My biggest fear is the what we leave to our children, as the future ain’t what it used to be.
Rourke, you are to be commended for all that you have communicated to others, selflessly, and with some pure heart and soul mixed in. Kudos to you.
btw, just got my Fire tablet for offline library use, on sale at amazon, thanks for pointing me in that direction.
I know I’m late with a comment but great article Rourke! Committing to, and executing an exit strategy can be very difficult on multiple levels, but I think that for many it is the best option to isolate and insulate themselves from the country’s, and society’s decline. My wife and I ourselves did it. It was stressful and caused considerable anxiety. We began planning in 2010 and actually moved in 2011. We had the benefit of already having a place in rural Georgia to exit to, but we did face hardships once there. But now we are very happy we did it, and we have spent the last 9 years turning our 40 acre compound into our own little paradise. We are isolated, but our few neighbors are like minded. If we didn’t watch the news we wouldn’t know anything else existed. But we do watch, and we see the chaos and upheaval the country is descending into. It’s disheartening, but we take great comfort in what we committed to 9 years ago. At the very least you should consider an exit strategy, it may take you somewhere amazing.
Another option is exit the US before tshtf. Better hurry though. Its in the air headed for the fan.
Really Maine? That would be the last place on earth I would even consider. Like you stated winter to long,shorter growing season,etc. Not a great place for crops to really grow well. Why do you think farmers back in the day left the northeast? Soil! It sucks up here! I’m in NH. The farmers all left back in the late 1800’s for better climate. The shorter season at least for me is a big deal. Yes less people up here but you got to survive and your pick was not a good one.
rc – Yes, I used Maine as an example. Every area in the country has it’s pro’s and con’s. In my mind – with what I think is coming – low population density is critical. Growing season is short as you reminded. Greenhouses can be utilized ad crops that do well in colder climates focussed on(can you say…..potatoes?).
I live in he deep south and growing successful gardens takes tremendous work. The intense heat and sun can destroy a garden in short order if not attended to regularly. As stated – every area has pro’s and con’s.