Coming Ban on All Ammunition?

As insanely crazy as it might sound the banning of ammunition has been discussed for decades by gun control advocates. One of the main motivating factors is the 2nd Amendment itself. For the most part, anti-gunners have failed in their efforts to ban guns outright as the 2nd Amendment protects our right to “keep and bear arms.” Nowhere is ammunition mentioned, thus conceivably, ammunition is free game to be controlled and regulated as any other item.

Over the years numerous ammunition proposals have been made including may that reached Congress:

  • Taxing ammunition to such an extent that it became unaffordable for most people
  • Requiring background checks in order to purchase ammunition
  • Requiring serial numbers on ammunition which would increase manufacturing costs, thus ammunition costs
  • Creating a law that would limit the amount of ammunition an individual would be allowed to possess
  • Elimination of “private sales” for ammunition
  • Banning of online ammunition sales

I’m sure a few have been missed.

As the Biden Administration has banned the importation of Russian firearms and ammunition, there is little doubt the gun control crowd will look at ways to expand into additional markets.

While I don’t advocate panic buying for anything, everyone has to make up their own mind on how much ammunition – and other firearm-related items they have versus their need.

Stack it to the rafters!







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