During my recent visit to Prepper Camp my buddy and I stayed at a cabin a few miles from the event. There was a really nice fire pit and lots of wood available. The cooler weather in the mountains was a welcome change and a fire was ABSOLUTELY necessary.
The provided wood needed to be split into smaller kindling so I grabbed my brand new Cold Steel Trail Boss that has been sitting in my truck box just begging to be used. While my buddy – we’ll call him Hancock – did most of the work I swung the Trail Boss a few times as well.
It performed as it should. Pretty simple. Nothing dramatic like the head flying off or handle splitting.
The Cold Steel Trail Boss is an inexpensive and compact hatchet that’s great attached to a pack or in the truck box. So far I love it.
Thought I’d share my experience so far.
Do you know where this axe was manufactured? I know Cold Steel makes and sources many of it’s products from the good old US of A, but not all.
Great times,
Food for the soul, those mountains were amazing, had a great time John Rourke, we should try to do that much more often life goes by way to fast, spending time with really good friends in a fishing cottage on the lake is the highlight of the year for me, I’m going to make a promise to myself to try and take more three day weekends and get up there to visit more often in the future!
Hey JR glad to see you continuing the fight and succeeding. On the topic of axes, I was wondering if you have ever used the Eastwing brand. They have a 21″ and 16″ camp axe that looks pretty good and they are both pretty light. Just curious if you have ever tried them and if they would hold up under some good use. I’m wanting to upgrade to larger pack axe and looking for as much information as I can get before I purchase. Thanks again for all the info, updates, and hard work you put in!
I have a blue ESTWING for 25 years /great CAMP AXE!
Thank you for the info will Ford. I have been eyeballing this axe for awhile now and can now go buy it without that worry of spending money on a piece of junk. In these current times I’m trying to stretch every penny.