
We all go through change. Some of us were Army brats and moved from state to state or even among countries. Different schools every couple of years. New friends. New teachers. Having to figure out how to fit in with a new crowd. For a young person that can be incredibly stressful – and sometimes pretty fun.

Some of us worked 20 years at a company establishing themselves in a career. Building a reputation around high performance, capability, and loyalty. Go to work and do the job. Security is built – until corporate leadership changes and your job ends. You’re fired.

Divorce. Relationships end – or sometimes change dramatically. Happiness. Sadness. Anger. Calm. Frustration. Relief. Pain. Numbness. Sometimes all of these at once. Life can suck sometimes.

Some lose parents at young ages and that changes the direction their life heads from that point on. Some parents lose children which is one of the worst things imaginable.

Traumatic events happen. People react differently. Some make decisive, logical, and smart decisions. Some don’t. Some people drive forward. Always focused on moving forward to a better place. A place they want to be. Some sit and wallow in their problems, in their situation – and remain there. Stagnant. Lost.

I know. You’re thinking……“What the hell’s the point of this? What are you getting at?”

Look at what has occurred in just the past few months. It’s not some meme on Instagram. We have a pandemic going on, riots, civil unrest, mass division among the population, and an economy in serious trouble. It’s real. Some are struggling with the reality of the change that is happening in this country right now. Will everything be OK? What does “OK” even mean?

How are you reacting to it all?

The point is how will you, your friends, your loved ones react when things get really bad? What we are going through now is nothing compared to a true economic collapse, or mass grid down situation. Imagine Russia launches an EMP attack and all we’ve heard happens – the powers out, 75/% of cars don’t run. COVID will look like a cakewalk compared to 330 million people without power. Without refrigeration. No air conditioning.

How will you react?

How will you really react?

Something to think about. Something to seriously consider.


PS…..Struggling? Check this out – – ->

or maybe this…….

lastly – – check this out:


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