Preparedness Archive
Here is the sixteenth of a weekly installment discussing an episode of the popular TV series – Jericho – which aired originally back in 2006. Every Tuesday night we …
Current Events
It is being reported all over the Internet and I have have heard it from preparedness industry leaders: The Preparedness Movement is becoming a thing of the past. Much …
I can’t imagine the incredible amount of food every year that is thrown away because the magical “best buy” or expiration date arrives. It is really a waste. There …
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Mine was very good. Weather has been overly warm. Due to a change of plans hunting was delayed until this morning(Saturday). Things have …
A major part of my food storage program involves storing a variety of foods in sealed mylar bags with oxygen absorber and then placed in 5-gallon buckets. This is …
Seemed like everyday was Christmas when I got home from work. A lot of packages arrived and waited for me on the kitchen table for things that I …
Here is the fifteenth of a weekly installment discussing an episode of the popular TV series – Jericho – which aired originally back in 2006. Every Tuesday night we …
Remember – this flashlight is part of a giveaway ending on November 15th – click HERE for more information. I continue to be amazed at the technology improvements …
FYI: The regular “Prep’s This Week” post will be published on Saturdays from this point forward. * * * * * * …
Current Events
Many believe that the time to be publicly vocal about the assault on our freedoms and rights is over due to potential repercussions. The premise of going silent …
Current Events
Pretty much the only thing on my mind is the election. Just cannot comprehend how so many people could be fooled or are so ignorant to such a large …
Ask a question and I will give you an answer. It can be about pretty much anything – politics, firearms, current events, survival, preparedness, or “Why do they sterilize lethal …
Current Events
I caught myself recently telling a friend that I just could not understand why a carbine such as the old Marlin Camp 9 was not made today. I mean …
Here is the fourteenth of a weekly installment discussing an episode of the popular TV series – Jericho – which aired originally back in 2006. Every Tuesday night we …
Current Events
The situation and tension between Russia and the United States continues to be eventful. Late last week it was reported that on October 17th there was a near miss …
NOTE: Well folks I just realized this never posted Sunday – so here it is on Tuesday. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Really did not get anything done preparedness-wise this past …
Current Events
Happy Halloween!!! Pay extra close attention to the evil clowns lurking in your backyard….and in your closets. ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ Interesting that on this day in …
The following video is from the popular YouTube channel “The Patriot Nurse“. It has been shared quite a bit and answers the common question as to what antibiotics need …
Here is the thirteenth of a weekly installment discussing an episode of the popular TV series – Jericho – which aired originally back in 2006. Every Tuesday night we …
As usual Emergency Essentials is having another great monthly sale. October in particular is special as all Mountain House freeze dried foods are discounted up to 50%. With these …
What a week. Between disasters at work and craziness at home free time and sleep was a rarity. Ordered and received a 100 watt WindyNation solar panel. This is …
NOTE: Here is a repost from the PROJECT section. Any updates will be completed within the Project section. Alien invasion, massive storms, pandemics, world war, wilderness survival, bear attacks …
Ask a question and I will give you an answer. It can be about pretty much anything – politics, firearms, current events, survival, preparedness, or “Is it true that cannibals …
Rourke: This post was originally published over at It has since been removed however it’s being preserved here in Projects for your reference. NOTE: The following is NOT …
As usual Emergency Essentials is having another great monthly sale. October in particular is special as all Mountain House freeze dried foods are discounted up to 50%. With these …
Here is the twelfth of a weekly installment discussing an episode of the popular TV series – Jericho – which aired originally back in 2006. Every Tuesday night we are …
Several weeks ago purchased a unique case off that holds CR123 batteries. It cost around $5 so I gave it a shot. No need for a long drawn out …
Hope this finds everyone safe and secure. Hurricane Matthew has wreaked havoc along the southeastern coast of the United States. I frequent Myrtle Beach a few times per year …
Current Events
For more information on the American Reformation see this article – the first in the series. What awaits citizens of the United States during the coming American Reformation is up …
Current Events
Ask a question and I will give you an answer. It can be about pretty much anything – politics, firearms, current events, survival, preparedness, or “Do vegetarians eat animal crackers? “ – whatever. …