Basic Hurricane Preparedness

While many preppers look to North Korea and a zombie apocalypse to prepare let’s not forget events like hurricanes are much more likely to endanger us. If you live in an area prone to hurricanes preparing is a common-sense step to take. With hurricane season upon us let’s review some basic tasks to prepare.

Before a Hurricane:

  • Secure your property. Storm shutters offer excellent protection from flying objects.
  • Secure your property. Nailing plywood over windows when an impending storm is coming also provides protection against debris sent airborne due to high winds. Have the plywood stored “just in case”.
  • Secure your property. Special straps are available to better secure the roof to the framework of the house.
  • Clean out all gutters and drains. This will help evacuate heavy rainfall away from the house.
  • Make a plan. Look at the design of the house for an area that everyone can go to if things get dangerous. An inside area away from exterior walls is best.
  • Stock up. Hurricanes can knock out power for weeks. Store extra food and water.  Consider how food will be cooked if the power is out. a Coleman Camp Grill with extra fuel is inexpensive and works well.
  • Prepare. Think about supplies needed to go camping. Blankets, flashlights, batteries, etc.
  • Prepare. Store extra fuel away from the house as if a major power outage in the area occurs fuel will be difficult to obtain.
  • Prepare. Maintain a good first aid kit.
  • Prepare. Keep extra cash on hand as credit card machines may not work.

hurricane, storm, prepare, preparedness

During a Hurricane:

  • Listen to the radio or watch TV to stay up to date on conditions approaching your area.
  • Install shutters or boards over windows.
  • Shut off the water supply going to the house.
  • Clean and then fill the bathtub. This will provide an emergency supply of water.
  • Walk the property and pick up anything that may get blown around./ Items include lawn chairs, toys, yard tools, trash cans, etc.
  • Stay away from windows and doors.
  • Evacuate if instructed to do so by the authorities.

hurricane, hugo, hurricane hugo, storm, preparedness, prepare

After a Hurricane:

  • Keep listening to the radio for information.
  • Be mindful of dangers from fallen power lines. Stay away!
  • If cell phone service is not working try texting as sometimes a text will go through when a call won’t.
  • Be careful if the winds calm – this could be you are in the eye of the storm with more danger approaching.
  • After the hurricane caution must be taken while walking the property. Tree limbs can fall from above. Sharp objects may be everywhere. When moving debris wear gloves.
  • Watch for areas that are flooded. Do not drive through large puddles as the vehicle may stall and car swept away.
  • If power is out only open the refrigerator/freezer as needed. Food can be kept cold for hours if they are kept closed.
  • If there is damage to the property take pictures to document the situation.
  • Use extreme caution if using candles – FIRE HAZARD.
  • Be aware that running tap water may be contaminated.
  • If your property experiences damage contact insurance company.
  • As soon as possible let your family know you are safe.

The most important thing going through a hurricane is to be safe. If everyone makes it with their health or even minor injuries be happy. Property can be repaired and rebuilt. People cannot.

Take care.



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