Current events are inspiring discussions on Internet forums about the possibility that history will show we are in the beginning stages of a second civil war. The growing division in this country is alarming. I’ve discussed the entire “civil war” and “revolution” perspective before and have named what I call the coming event the American Reformation. While the recent election of outsider Donald Trump have given many hope that the government will be given back to the people, however the reality is while improvements may be made his election is triggering a new, more radical movement in the United States.
Since 2008 the country has become more and more divided. A large percentage of the population has woken up to the destructive actions taken by our out of control government. Government has grown far too large and far too overbearing. Racial tensions have increased, political infighting is at an all time high, and journalism is dead while agenda-based reporting rues the day. If you are reading this article you already know.
Related articles…..
A Second Civil War or American Revolution?
The Coming American Reformation
Conditions During the Coming American Reformation
The Coming American Reformation: Going Gray
So – if Patriots have come together in such numbers that they elect a political outsider why is there not certainty that true political change will occur and the risk of an American Reformation be diminished?
Let’s consider a few things:
- Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 2.1% – or 2,865,075 votes.
- Trump won the Republican primary though he received only 44.9% of the vote – thus 55.1% voted against him.
- Trump won 30 states while Hillary won 21 states/districts.
- In the Republican and Democratic primaries Trump received a total of 14,015,993 votes. All those running against him? 47,288,998.
The point is the entire country did not not get behind this political outsider in fact the vast majority of those politically active was against Trump and his message/movement. Obviously many came together to support Trump however his support was NOT a mandate as many suggest. While an outsider such as Trump certainly appears to bode well to act for us against the political establishment it does not erase the massive establishment and the Loyalist movement that is currently erupting.
There are serious reasons to be concerned.
Be Concerned:
The Liberal Progressive(Loyalist) movement is becoming more and more radical, hateful, and violent. Frequently threats of death and violence are seen all over social media. Celebrities, journalists, and even some politicians are actively promoting radical actions and violence against those who disagree with them(Patriots and often police). Folks – the division is growing and the list of incidents is growing.
- President Obama has supported violence by lending understanding and compassion to the Black Lives Matter movement.
- Racial tensions continued to grow throughout the past 8 years as President Obama continued to speak on numerous incidents without having all the facts and provided credence to those who felt victims were targeted due to their color. In almost every single case Obama’s initial take on the situation turned out incorrect.
- Riots and “protests” in Liberal areas are allowed to be violent where people are injured and even killed. Property is destroyed and local politicians order “space” to be given so that the rioters can express their “feelings”.
- While Liberals state that Patriots “cling to their guns and religion” and promote that Trump supporters are violent – the reality is that Liberals invaded Trump rally’s and have attacked supporters on numerous occasions.
- Anti-Patriot Liberals continue to attack Trump supporters and burn the American flag on a regular basis.
- Look at the mass shootings that have taken place over the last 8 years. Who carried out these horrendous deeds? Psychopaths who have a Liberal ideology.
- The anti-police movement has been supported – or at a minimum condoned – widely by the Progressive/Loyalist movement.
- The Mainstream Media(MSM) has blatantly misrepresented facts and under-reported stories that were either critical of the Progressive movement or positive towards Conservatives/Patriots.
- ….there are many more.
To sum it up Loyalists are becoming more and more hateful and violent. The recent post-inauguration protests and riots as well as the Women’s March is a perfect example of this. It is only a matter of time before more conflict and violence erupts.
WARNING: The video below contains profanity.

What the Future Holds:
Awaiting us in the future is a growing trend of division between Patriots and Loyalists. Loyalist groups, special interests, and politicians will stop at nothing to further their agenda’s. The 1st Amendment will come under attack. The 2nd Amendment will come under attack. The Left will begin to embrace the 2nd Amendment for themselves in an effort to “arm up” against the “Alt-Right”. Social justice and alternative logic will be used to label Patriots as racist, sexist, homophobes, hate mongers who want to hurt children and old people. The MSM will be the tool used to brainwash the populace.
“Protests” at UC Berkeley – protesting against Conservative speaker Milo Yiannopoulos.
- Civil disorder and prejudice against Patriots will become more commonplace as time goes on.
- Sophisticated cyber attacks and hacking against Patriot-friendly political targets.
- Protests and riots will grow in frequency.
- Armed confrontations will become more commonplace etween Loyalists and Patriots.
- Mass disruptions to transportation routes and public venues
- Blatant media bias against Patriots will become more widespread.
- Direct violence against Patriots resulting in serious injury and death.
- A massive campaign to take back Congress and the White House in 2020.
Pre-Election Social Media Postings
Things are unpredictable and happening fast. No one knows precisely what the future holds. What is certain the Loyalist will stop at nothing to gain power and attempt to create an America very much different than what the Founders intended. To what extent these Progressives will go is not fully known. They are organized, well funded – and extremely motivated.
We must respond by preparing for what awaits. We must be politically active and support Constitution-supporting politicians at every level of government. We must spread the word and bring others into the fold to increase our numbers.
We must know that we are on the right side.
Rourke- a tough reality but it is our reality now.Thank you. I am flabbgasted at
the violence and ignorance of the liberals. In the 60s they were liberal but peaceful.
(for the most part of course many people were stoned)but now the Radical left is
using everyone they can and its really sad and frightening. We all may well need to defend ourselves against them. I do have faith in Trump though that he will control these situations by curtailing funding. The NYC police did their part in making arrests. Freedom of speech is one thing but destroying property and hurting others is an outrage. I realize I am preaching to the choir here-excuse me I am just really
shocked by this.I never realized how radicalized some people have become.
Good thing we are all prepping as hard as we can. Take care.I will keep praying. Lightning
Relax. If the snowflakes force us to, American patriots will snuff them like a candle. The civil war they seem to want will end up being their doom.
I agree with you 100% CaptTurbo. Almost all these emotional idiots are being funded by George Soros. Liberal, uneducated, immature, emotionally unstable idiots. Even the ones at the top that are some what “stable” cannot force the minions to have their own brains or true heart. True patriotic Americans will crush them!
I’m not saying it will be an easy waltz, but they will bring an end to themselves, their leaders, and their doom.
I do not wish another second civil war, I do not wish the govt to enforce martial law, I do not want any of it. However, if it comes the radicals wishing to destroy America and over throw the govt. They will fail.
Get congress (or the new secretary of state Tillerson) to allow for the extradition of Soros. He is now wanted by two European countries. Rid ourselves of the scourge.
Unfortunately he is not the only one.
I was in the anti war camp during Vietnam but I distrusted those in “The Movement” even then, though I disagreed with the war. There is no one more self righteous and convinced that those who do not think the same way as they do are evil as the Left. With their promulgation of political correctness, essentially an abrogation of the First Amendment, the “progressives” have become a scary force which, unfortunately, may lead to an extreme reaction on the other side. It used to be that reasonable people could disagree but the number of reasonable people keeps declining.
Agree StevefromMA. Times are changing and so is the populace.
Well stated JR. I’m hoping and Praying for the best but preparing for the worst! Quite frankly I believe the only true hope is Spiritual awakening but the Bible doesn’t give me much hope of that. Blades sharp, guns handy, powder dry and
– Keep Looking UP
Great Article JR,
“So the only outcome is that one side wins and the other loses. There’s no truce to be had, no possibility of a tie. And the frightening thing is that the Left is so foolish, so stuck in its bubble that it has no understanding that it can only push so far before the people with all the guns and all the training push back. That’s the problem with kids who were raised on participation trophies and who never got into a fistfight – they don’t consider the possibility that they will lose, and lose hard.
We must ensure they do. Understand your enemy. Understand that the Left will exploit your principles and morals to make you disarm yourself – figuratively and literally. Don’t play their game; don’t fall for their manufactured outrages. Never concede their lies, never take their side against the people defending your liberty. Most of all, accept the truth that if we let them win we will spend the rest of our lives on our backs with a giant Birkenstock pressed into our collective face.
They hate us. And however they come at us, we need to be prepared to fight.”
Excellent quote PB. Just looked up the source and will read the article.
I think with Trump we will gain the upper hand when it comes the SCOTUS, but I fear war in coming!!! The left will start it and we must win it, thus we end like so many other victims of the left have over the last 100 plus years. DEAD!!!!
Great article. Thanks.
Thanks Anthony.
Liberals do not think like Conservatives do, you cannot think logically to guess their actions. To those who think these ‘snowflakes’ are nothing to worry about, when was the last time a group of Conservatives were able to hit the streets to protest within a hour to two hours and shut things down? Liberals can and have shown they’re willing to throw down.
This came from John Mosby’s The Mountain Guerilla blog post:
So, I saw this come across my FB feed today, from Sam. I’m going to address it, because there’s a whole bunch of fucking stupid in the comments. Since I’m reasonably certain some of those commenters are also subscribers here, it will probably be wasted effort, but I’m willing to give it a shot….
“Battlefield pickup: Plan for it. Make sure your people know how to clear them, get them into duffle bags, and into your supply channels to be re-issued as necessary. You may keep ammo as needed to replace expenditures, but the rest goes to the S4 for caching and resupply.”
While technically about the closest thing to a legitimate response I saw, this is ridiculously optimistic. In all of the classes I’ve taught, over the last half-decade plus of teaching through the MG blog, including the auxiliary and support classes, nobody—NOBODY—has even come close to having anything near an organizational footprint that this answer would matter too…except the Left.
“This is what I have been chatting with some friends about for a few months. Particularly the myopic ones who don’t understand that the hapless morons will eventually be armed and given some level of training to escalate their own surge. Arming these ppl is the not the next move, but it’s not far off. “
Dunning-Kruger much? “Hapless morons?” These “hapless morons” are off their fucking couches, engaging in the physical violence that the Right yammered about for the last eight years, without doing fuck all. I’m not condoning it, and certainly not supporting it, but intellectual dishonesty about skill at organization, and willingness to engage in violent direct-action is going to get a whole fuckton of “prepared militias” killed dead…and there ain’t no fucking restart to this game.
“They maybe psychologically Conditioning the radical left for kinetic Operations, but it takes years to build capability and capacity. They maybe ten years out if they started today.”
Bullshit. They could go hardcore tomorrow, and be effective, at least for some time. They’ve got organizational infrastructure in place. They’ve got leadership cadre and numbers. They’ve got the will to get violent, right now. What they don’t have is their puppet masters handing them guns and ammo…yet. Sam’s right. It’s an ugly potential that is probably not far off. Ten years? You’re fucking dreaming.
“The left gas lighted themselves into destroying their gun culture. Where are the black block gun blogs? Training videos? PT videos? Discussion about Intelligence capability? The design of OPSEC programs? How to effectively use Command and Control for tactical, operational and Strategic success? Fuck blogs even where are their white papers? There are none.”
Again, see my comment above about Dunning-Kruger. Intellectual study is important, but getting out from in front of the computer, and getting out and DOING counts for more, and the other side IS DOING.
“A blood bath “
Yep. Because only one side has consistently displayed a willingness to get violent, right now, right here, despite the blatherings of the right about “Molon Labe,” and “From My Cold Dead Fingers,” etc…. Talk is cheap. It will be a number of blood baths, but 99% of the victims are NOT going to be the Leftist pseudo-Anarchists that are willing to fuck shit up, already, without quality weapons at their disposal.
“We get to slaughter them wholesale! YeeeeHaw!”
Ah yes, the redneck, LaVoy Finicum response. How many people you slaughtered tough guy? Nobody? Then, you’re full of shit.
“Are we talking about the Black Bloc types? I can see them going with drive by attacks because they seem to attack in groups and then run away. Don’t expect a standup fight.”
So, they’re smarter than you? Because, I can tell you what….fair fights? “standup fights?” are a sucker’s bet. I decide to go hunting bad people, I’m going to be rolling up to their back door at 0430, while they’re sound asleep, and lighting their house on fire, while they’re asleep inside. I’m only gonna stick around long enough to make sure nobody gets out before the house is engulfed. I’m into winning, not playing macho games.
Look, I get it. It’s fun to poke fun at the opposition. It’s easy to make jokes about “safe spaces,” etc. Those dudes smoking people in the head with bricks? Those people staring down the riot cops, and taking bean bag rounds to the face and chest, to get a chance to lob a brick or a Molotov Cocktail at them? They’re not scared of you, and they’re not looking for a fucking safe space. They’re willing to stand by their convictions, right or wrong.
That doesn’t make them good guys, by any stretch. It does make them far more qualified for the change in velocity of the collapse that we’re witnessing. People have been talking smack since election night, about how now, the Left was going to go away, because POTUS wasn’t going to put up with their shenanigans. Well, he may not, but it’s going to take a lot more to stop them than people are ready to understand. I’m not even saying that won’t happen, but if you’re sitting here, talking shit on your computer, instead of DOING shit, and TRAINING, and PRACTICING for how you’re going to REALISTICALLY respond to this shit, when it shows up in your neighborhood? You’re full of shit.
jh – thanks for sharing. I couldn’t agree more with your excerpt. It should be a slap of reality to many. Although many readers may consider it “too hard core” I suspect that is what’s needed.
John Mosby is right on the money. I’m one of those on the front line as a LEO. When we(LEOs) start dropping in even greater numbers together, than you will know it’s on. It takes us between 9 and 13 months to train up a new officer from their hire date. You see where that might creat a replacement issue. The left has no problem using violence, they follow Lenin, Castro, and Hitler. Everything they’re doing was also done by those I listed in their seizing of power. We’ve seen this movie before.
“but if you’re sitting here, talking shit on your computer”
You mean like now?
Just saying
Careful Observer – make sure you have the perspective of the post. It was previously published on Facebook from another website owner who was responding to a “keyboard warrior” giving bad advice.
JR–I sure did.
Not trying to torque my brothers off but the irony strikes me.
I quoted Mosby responding to the bad advice from the keyboard warrior…
from his keyboard.
I gotcha man.
Rourke, everything you wrote is indeed correct and it is not overstating it to say that the soul of the nation hangs in the balance. There is another school of thought on all this that I find compelling and might offer light at the end of this dark tunnel. Since 2010 the progressive movement has lost some 1200 seats in federal, state and local elections. They have lost 14 governorships and now hold a ruling majority in just 5 states. As each string of failed elections pile upon the last, the left has grown increasingly more extreme in its rhetoric and actions, yet their loses only grow more profound.
Watching them debate themselves on the direction their party should take to stop the bloodletting is educational, it exposes how extreme they have become. To the point where some activists in their party are now bailing, believing the party is now regressive and no longer progressive.
No ideology goes down without a fight. Perhaps what we are witnessing is the final desperate death-throws of a dieing political movement.
When you’ve descended into screaming NAZI! at any who disagrees, and justifying violence as free speech….well…. you’ve already lost the war, your just trying to inflict as much collateral damage as you go down….