There are many people just now getting started into preparedness due to the COVID-19 virus outbreak. While a bit late to the party – it is not too late. Getting started in prepping can be a daunting task and one can easily get overwhelmed. With the headlines of today, it is easy to feel a huge sense of urgency to get ready NOW – with many giving up because they just don’t have the money or the time to invest. Giving up or being a victim of normalcy bias could mean the difference between having taken the necessary steps to prepare – or not.
One point that needs to be made is that everything does NOT have to be done at once. While I would not suggest any further hesitation, baby steps will get you in a much better position than not starting at all.
1. Store What You Eat – It is not necessary to purchase a year’s supply of food all at once, nor is it required to buy expensive freeze-dried products(most are sold out anyway). When doing regular grocery shopping throw in a few more cans of beef stew, corn, and a couple of bags of rice. While recently rice has been sold out in many areas inventory is improving in most stores. Build the pantry with every trip and over time. You do not have to physically go in the store. Ordering online via Amazon, or your local Walmart or other grocery stores will reduce exposure to other people.
2. Store Extra Water & Get a Water Filter – Water is fairly cheap with a case of pure bottled water running under $3.00 for 24 bottles. Stacking 10 in the corner of the garage or spare bedroom is a great start. Gallon jugs of water are even cheaper usually tunning under $1.00. Soft drink bottles can be washed out and refilled with water from the tap. For most who throw these bottles away, this is an ultra-low budget water storage method.
A good water filter will be extremely useful should water stop flowing from the faucet. A couple of Sawyer Mini Water Filters will filter thousands of gallons of water. Add a Sawyer Water Filter Bucket Kit and filter water for the entire family.
3. Have a Plan to Relocate – If, for whatever reason, the need to relocate or “bug out” occurs there needs to be a place to go. Possibly a friend or relative across town or across the state could be a planned location to go. Part of the planning includes what will be taken with you, who must be notified, what route will be taken, and what you will do with pets.
It may be as simple as going to Aunt Besty’s out in the country 30 minutes down the road – or traveling to the State Park located a couple towns over. Regardless, have a plan of action.
Oh – and make sure everyone in the family knows this plan in case communications are down and not everyone can get home. A secondary meet up point is also a good idea.
4. Just Getting Started is Important – You don’t have to prepare for the complete breakdown of society all at once. With this in mind work to cover the basics of preparedness – food, water, medical, security, shelter. Every can of soup is a step in the right direction! Congrats!!
5. Don’t Focus on One Area of Prepping – In planning your preparedness effort, do not focus on one aspect of preparedness. Do not say, “Well, I’ll get my food stocked up and then go to water.” Efforts should be spread across the spectrum of preparedness – food, water, medical, security, communications – and planning. Tunnelvision is a common practice to new preppers and all areas should be worked on over time so your preparedness system remains balanced.
6. You Do Not Have To Spend a Fortune – Most of the basic supplies needed to be put back can be purchased at the grocery store, dollar store, and discount stores such as Wal-Mart. Don’t forget Amazon. Think about what would be needed for going camping. A massive solar system costing $10,000 is not needed(but would be nice!).
7. Educate Yourself – A boatload of preparedness information is available on the Internet.  Read articles, watch YouTube video’s, and most importantly use some common sense when getting this information. Fear-mongering is everywhere. We have a rather large free preparedness download page right here on Check it out here and share it with friends and family.
8. Keep Your Car at Least Half Full and a Full Gas Can At Home – Gas lines and shortages don’t bode well for an expedient departure when your car is running on empty. Keep your vehicles at least half full and have a reserve.
9. Put Together a Bug Out Bag/Kit – Using the camping analogy again review needed supplies once the bug out location is reached. Typically using a backpack is recommended however I prefer a rugged tote box for storing supplies. This tote could be kept in a car trunk/SUV – or in the home. Point being a kit needs to be put together so that if needed it can be “grab and go” scenario.
10. Prepare Yourself….Mentally – No doubt you’ve thought of a variety of situations that may occur. Now is the time to visualize them over and over in your mind. The purpose of this is to prepare mentally for what might happen BEFORE it actually occurs. Â Should some unfortunate event take place you will be more mentally prepared due to the visualization exercises conducted.
11. Purchase a Firearm If You Do Not Own One – There are a variety of situations where the need for firearms could come into play. Civil unrest, rioting, crime waves, etc. can cause innocent citizens to become violent crime victims. Even the playing field by having a firearm.
If you read this and go out and buy a gun make absolutely certain you also purchase training. The mere ownership of a firearm does not constitute the ability to use it and defend yourself.
12. Alternate Forms of Cooking – If the grid goes down preparing meals will still need to take place. While most of us have gas or charcoal grills at home how much fuel is available? How about a firepit along with enough wood to last? A propane camp grill with a dozen or so canisters is a good start. Extra propane tanks for your gas grill are fairly cheap. Charcoal? Stock up on sale and keep it dry.
Although those discovering preparedness at this point in time may be a bit late to the game – there is no better time than NOW to start – so get to it. Don’t go overboard and run up credit card debt. One step at a time will get you to your destination.
All good ones for the beginner.