Widespread Reporting on Coming Food Shortage


Spend a little time on Youtube and you’ll see many video’s warning people of a coming food shortage. Extensive crop loss is blamed on excessive rainfall and corresponding flooding within the United States. Proponents of the food shortage also blame “climate change” and state the next several years will see rising food prices, declining supply levels, and increasing economic impact on populations as a larger percentage of income is spent on groceries.

While many of us are not believers in man-induced climate change there is little doubt that climate changes all the time.  No matter which side of the argument you’re on – a food shortage is a food shortage.

As preparedness-minded folks, stocking up on food is nothing new. As for myself, I’ve felt a tremendous need to stock up on food lately. Not as glamorous or exciting as the latest “tacticool” pistols and accessories there is little more important than food.

Recommended: Stock Up Now

Store more of what you eat. Common sense, right? With each visit to the grocery store buy a bit more than you normally would with an emphasis on things that have a longer shelf life. Canned foods are the most obvious as they will last years past their marked expiration date.

Bulk foods such as rice, beans, dried corn, and pasta can be mylar packed and stored for years. These are some of the least expensive food storage options to consider.

food storage, bucket, prepper, preparedness, SHTF, food shortage

Freeze dried food is on the expensive side but is lightweight and stores for upwards of 25 years. One of these best deals I’ve found is a 30-day bucket for one person for $99.99 and free shipping. On a budget? Grab one of these each month and in a short time a decent supply will be put back.


Regardless if there is some impending food shortage around the corner stocking up on food just makes sense.




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