Not sure how many of you might have suffered through Biden’s recent speech where he accused at least half of America of being extremists who are a threat to America. I’ll tell you I made it through maybe the first 8 minutes before I smashed my off button like I hit a rogue roach running across my kitchen counter.
This guy was set with a backdrop that would make Hitler proud and spewed hatred and divisional verbiage that made it obvious and apparent that “uniting” America was the furthest thing from his mind. Mind? Well – at least his speech-writers minds. There’s little doubt Biden is in little control of his bowel movements let alone the country.
I’ll be commenting more on the current division in America as well as what we need to do about it (HINT: not much). Until I voice words of wisdom and intellect that would dazzle Einstein take care of yourself, pray for your neighbors, and put a few cans of Campbell’s Bean and Bacon Soup up in your cupboard.
See you next time.
I’m far kinder to myself than to listen to that bucket of dementia. All you need to do is to tune into Tucker Carlson daily to get the scoop along with some intelligent thinking. FJB!
the real extremist is in the whitehouse.
I will not watch that crap, I’m afraid I’ll turn “green” and lose all control of my logic and try to wage a one man war against this occupation of our great capital, no man, I’m not going to watch any of it, I will instead pray for a leader, someone to call for the rise of the patriots who are all as angry as I am, then I will stand with them and I will know that I will NEVER be forgiven for what I do to those communist who are trying so hard to destroy our beloved country, I will be a patriot, I will answer that call, the blood of tyrants will be spilled, and those elite 1% that are pulling the strings in this new world order will be hunted to the end, mine or theirs, there will be Justice, I will have vengeance, GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH!
Just like that POS Hilary Clinton calling us Deplorables! How did that work out for her.
You know 6 months ago .. the DOJ created a domestic terrorism organization. And we are now branded Domestic Terrorists.. not a coincidence. They are pushing it as far and hard as they can and baiting people to act precipitously to be over the top dramatic. Then they will use them.. This is a set up for a one party system.. thier party ..
Democratic socialists best case if not far far worse.
The symbolism and purpose were clear.. blood red lighting and military back drop.. fully white house approved..
all about elections and control paid for by the US tax payer.
If I say more I’ll be ugly so I’ll stop…
Homestead and hard assets.. make it happen if you can
Having trouble posting.
Hope everyone is well.
Let’s see if I can post now
If you want to know what the socialist democrats are up to, just wait and see what they accuse the Republicans of doing. Than you will know. Trump is dictator, but Biden is doing exactly what they accused Trump of.
Old tactic the left has been using this one for years, when ever they do something shady they accuse republicans of doing that thing they already know they are guilty of, this creates doubt and gives the appearance of finger wagging when the slow week spine republicans finally decide to call out there democrat coworkers, therefore at first appearance it takes away the credibility of the republicans accusing the democrats of that which they are in fact doing, democrats are not stupid, and most people don’t take the time to research it for good reason, I mean if you actually fact checked everything a politician ever said you would have no life and still not even cover a fraction of it, this was what we relied on our free press for, to call out the BS… why do you think they spent billions buying all the press for? It was so they could get away with what they are doing, sad part is it’s our money their using to destroy us with… ALL democracies fail! It’s why our forefathers tried to make us a Republic…. Without a complete reset, a revolution you will see our great nation continue to wither and decay, there’s no escaping this unfortunate fact, absolute power absolutely corrupts… this is the full circle I had to understand so I could stop being so angry, it’s human nature, we are our own worse enemies. You have to have the wisdom to except the things you can not change, im not saying to give up hope, or to stop voicing the injustice happening or to stop voting, that’s Equivalent to being on a sinking boat and not bailing out the water… to give up is to bring about the end that much faster!!! But to think that we can bring our great nation back to its former glory of the ideals of our great forefathers tried to build without first paying for it in patriot blood 🩸 is naïve at best…. I’m a realist, and this is just my humble opinion of course.