Video: BEAR attacks Russian man…

I’ve discussed a few times my personal choice for a firearm in bear country. In the following video, a bear continues to challenge a “hunter” in the woods over and over again getting closer each time. I’m thinking the hunter either gave the bear a treat – or fired one of his two shots out of his double barrel to finally take a stand.

I can tell you the hunter in the video has a helluva lot more patience than me. I would have pulled the trigger far sooner.

Oh – my personal choice for a firearm in bear country?

Glock 20 in 10mm.

#badass #10mm


OFFGRID Waterproof Matches[2 PACK] in Rugged Metal Box - SHTF | Prepper | Survival | Preparedness

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OFFGRID Waterproof Matches[2 PACK] in Rugged Metal Box - SHTF | Prepper | Survival | Preparedness
Product Details

Off-Grid® Waterproof Matches



Each rugged metal box is packed with approx 150 waterproof matches plus two striker pads. Perfect for a bugout bag, survival kit, thrown in a vehicle - or kept handy for getting the fire pit going.

The included waterproof matches can be completely submerged and will still ignite with no problem. Simply shake or blow the water off and then strike on the included striker piece. These matches burn at over 1,200 degrees.

2 boxes - over 300 waterproof matches!!!

Free Shipping.

Could it get any better? Well, I'm working on it.





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