Trouble In The World – Iran

The United States is involved in too many countries around the world. Regardless of political leanings far too much blood and way too much taxpayer money have been spent getting involved in other countries and their business. The past several decades have seen wars and conflicts that were more about money, oil, and power than the security of the most powerful nation on Earth. I’m not an isolationist. I believe that if you see your neighbor in trouble and you can lend a hand to help that a good way to keep relationships positive and conflict down.

The United States killed a high-level political member of the Iranian government. While the action may have been justified based on current events the entire reasoning of how we arrived at this point is full of corruption and greed.

Check out the video below for a history lesson – and a wakeup call if you were unaware of the facts involved.

What precisely the Iranian’s will do as a response is unknown. Nothing? Possibly terrorist attacks on American’s in the Middle East? Could the rumored “sleeper cells” within the borders of the US become active and carry out some type of deadly attack? Will more military strikes between the two countries occur?

Might as well shake the Magic 8 Ball to get the answer.

Take care of everyone. Be vigilant. Continue to prepare, to plan, and persevere.



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