This is America and I firmly believe in everyone’s right to practice any religion they wish – including Islam. If someone wishes to worship a pile of recycled toilet paper – all the more power to them. What I have issue with is when any one religion attempts to change my way of life and my country. Now there are Atheist scholars out there that can quote this or that and explain the need to remove “Merry Christmas” from our vocabulary and ban the Ten Commandments from courthouses across the country. Know my take on it? GO MOVE SOMEWHERE ELSE! I believe the United States was founded by Christians with Christian values.
The Founders meant the freedom OF religion – not freedom FROM religion. The further and further these United States have drifted from Christianity the more immoral and degraded we have become. Back in the 80’s when Olivia Newton John came out with the song “Physical” radio stations banned its play and people were in an uproar over its suggestive lyrics. Today? That song wouldn’t raise an eyebrow. Like a set of domino’s staged one right after the other the first has already fallen.
In one of the Republican Presidential debates Donald Trump was told that roughly 100,000 Muslims are radical or extreme in the world. He stated that out of 1.6 billion Muslims to suggest that only 100,000 were radical Islamists was ridiculous. I agree. Back in 2011 25% of Muslims in the  Middle East had a favorable opinion on Osama Bin Laden. 25%!  There are estimates of ISIS militants in Iraq and Syria numbering anywhere from 30,000-75,000.
My concerns are those Muslims who – if the winds shift just right – could be radicalized and turn violent against fellow Americans. The Koran says what it says. Interpretation – according to Muslims I have debated online – is everything. There are approx 3.3 million Muslims in the United States. What if only 10% of turned radical? 300,000 radical Islamic terrorists? OK – how about 1% given the right conditions? 30,000Â radical Islamic terrorists?
Scary and concerning.
Before someone freaks out and calls me a racist(Muslim isn’t a race) I will say it again for the record – I do not care what religion someone is. If someone wants to be a practicing Muslim that is fine as long as they do not try to change me and my way of life.
I use facts and logic when I consider situations and develop opinions. It is a fact that there is a growing Muslim population in the world who have become radical and extreme and wish to hurt those with Western values. If there was a growing population of Australians or Hawaiians who had the same beliefs and ties to terrorism I would feel the same for them. The reality is I am a bit less concerned about granny in a wheelchair at the airport than Muhammad wearing a towel on his head. It’s absolutely NOT politically correct – it is logical and common sense. Period.
I am not suggesting rounding up Muslims or anything even close. I am suggesting awareness and standing up for OUR rights. Those rights include the right to practice Christianity and do so unapologetically(or practice no religion at all). Those rights include NOT having our children being forced to sing “Allahu Akbar” at school. I believe we should all stand up for those values which this country was founded and built on – and made us great. Political correctness must be suppressed and destroyed while truth is brought to the forefront.
BTW – I have friends that are Atheists. I used to have a friend that was Muslim. He was a good guy and would describe his life as a Muslim. He met his wife through an arranged marriage and had 7 children. He was suspicious of everyone. I lost contact with him several years ago and last I heard he lives on a Muslim compound in Islamville – in York, South Carolina.
Muslim extremism is a threat to the world and must be destroyed wherever it shows its ugly head. All one has to do is look to Europe to see its effect on the civilized world. Rapes and murders and horrible violence is spreading out of control. Women in Sweden are fearful to walk in a park or to go outside and walk their dog in some areas.
We cannot let it happen here.
Only 100,000 radical Islamists in the world? I don’t think so but the vast majority of the 1.6 billion are peaceful and mean no one any harm. I absolutely believe that.
 *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *
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Great article JR. I agree fully. It was not western civilization that started killing Muslims just because they were Muslims, but just the opposite. They have an ingrained hatred for every religion other than Islam and from what I see, a lot of them have a hatred of their own people if they are not radically Islamic. They do not except their people excepting other religions or even trying to fit in with western civilization. I know and have known several Muslims and for the most part they were some of the nicest people, but until the violence against others ends, I will look at all Muslims as suspect.
Thanks JAS.
My thoughts are, that there is no such thing as muslim extremism. The behavior we see among the so called radicalized is quite mid stream. History bears this out. That religion is one of hate and intolerance. The quicker we turn from being politically correct toward pragmatic appraisal, the sooner we will be to exclude all muslims from our once great country.
How many times on the news to we see acquaintances of the so called radical muslims described as being a normal fellow, a good guy?
I submit the so called muslim religion is responsible for the majority of deluded adherents living a stone age existence. What a great tool for subjugation of the masses. Let’s hear it folks, how about just adopting Sharia law here in the US? You probably don’t want to know where I would send them.
With no apologies whatsoever.
Thanks Panhandle Rancher. I am sure we agree on the vast majority of thoughts on this subject. The saying “Not all Muslims are terrorist but all terrorists are Muslim” comes to mind although not absolutely 100% true.
They have no intentions to advance into the modern world. They prefer to live in the dark ages and bring us all back there with them. They cannot be reasoned with, the only thing they believe is in a child molesting false prophet who tells them to destroy anyone who will not follow their twisted ideology! Even members of their own religion.
Thanks MarkOwen. I agree.
I agree with MarkOwen I say burn then to the ground Period…. I will not let then take hole of me and my way of life Sorry society Thats my life, agree or disagree. I am not PC and could give a shit about their religion stay over there if that is your way of life NOT HERE IN AMERICA
Great article JR. My thoughts exactly! Don’t know if you wrote it before the Brussels mess but the people killed there this morning proves you are right on the mark as well as the others that responded. Bring on Trump!
Fred C – I did write it prior to the terrorist attack in Brussels. I woke up this morning and turned on the news and though timing couldn’t have been better – unfortunately.
Wife and I were discussing the Brussels bombing and it occurred to us that there is a reason otherwise intelligent folks would be so intent on bringing the muslim horde to the US: fear. I think that there can be no question that some of the mass of muslims will gravitate toward terroristic behavior here in the US in order to further their ideology and by so doing enhance the environment of fear. This fear will drive the sheeple mad with desire of more government protection. Increased government protection will further dilute our embattled freedoms. Could it be so simple? Only a fool would believe the liberal ruling class is stupid.
Did you hear that weasel Cruz practically blaming Trump for the bombings? Prick ought to keep his lying mouth shut.This morning on FOX blamed Trump for almost all of it.
MarkOwen – I am a Cruz supporter and did not hear that. ALthough I like Cruz and am a Trump supporter as well.
I agree with JR and PR. I am seeing increasing numbers of them here in Bedford Texas. When they walk by my house in groups of three families they wave as they go buy, but there face and body language says they are uneasy, I wave back kindly, but my thoughts are “I will keep my eye on you, and if you get stupid I will put you down”. We had a family reunion in Montana a few years ago of my wife mother side of family All different religions but know Muslims an we got along well (60% Catholic, 5% Baptist, 1% Jehovah witness, 1.5% LDS, 1% Presbyterian, 1% Pentecostal, 2% Church of Christ and the rest unknown) We all got along peacefully. All were in agreement that there is (God, Jesus and Holy spirit) but each worshiped differently. None were Muslim
Thanks Badger. Your family reunion – just as it should be. My friend who I have not seen or heard from in years who was the Muslim – he talked peace and being left alone to worship and live as they wish. At the same time he was very aggressive and almost militant. He talked of armed patrols and if anyone came within their community they would be escorted out. Assimilation was not something they seemed interested in. Avoidance was more like it. I truly suspect it would not take much to convey him to radical.
I kind of agree with PR on the why bring them here… but that isn’t the end game .. I think the end game is more one world control-ish. If yo cover anyone up with anything they eventually have to become acclimatized to the behavior and what was abnormal seems more normal. It’s why Mom said “Be careful who you associate with, because that what people think you are and you will think is ok.” If you keep people stirred up you can make them oblivious of most of what you do. They are too busy arguing, or the just give in if they aren’t fighters. There is only ever one group that counts. In the revolution of the whigs and torries, only about 3% of the Americans were patriots that did battle. Today they might be “Oath Keepers” or 3% or III. Or as we have discussed .. “Sheepdogs”. They are all that matters. It’s why they target Tea Party, or militia, or Conservative Christians etc etc.. So if you follow my rant a little bit .. another way is to overwhelm them is with numbers. Make em fight the “Refugees”.. keep em busy if you can’t root em out. If your herd is to large, you need more dogs.. If dogs are born, they have to discover that they are sheepdogs, or 3%ers. IMO They will never do that in a secular one world Godless society. Or they will do it less often, and be easier to identify, because they will stand out so they can be labeled as terrorists. What if the whole thing is to get the public to scream for protection as PR suggests and enact terrorism controls in the US. Who you recon they will target.. terrorists.. Who do you think they will decide are terrorists? Whoever disagrees with them. I guess I am a little dark today. Pray for your country and its Sheepdogs, on foreign lands and domestic, in and out of the military. Make yourself ready absolutely.. but more than that share to the point of evagelization so sheepdogs will awaken and begin to learn. The Muslims then are a tool.. a willing tool.. but just one of many. You can’t cut a lawn with scissors by yourself and ever get done.. you need a ton of scissors or a mower.. That’s us.. and people like us.. again IMO.. I better go before I get even more angry about it.. sorry GRRRRR!.. Take a read in Mark Goodwins Collapse Series .. just finishing up.
Thanks goingray58. I hear and understand your rant. I agree with reading American Exit Strategy and the follow up books. That book could be a manual to the coming collapse and troubling times ahead.
Very good article Rourke and thank you all for posting. PR, I think you are right on. There is a big Walled Muslim training center in Frisco. Makes you wonder why you need the walls and gates? Haven’t seen any Christian churches like that? The Gospel tears down walls and builds bridges! Keep Looking UP
Rourke, you pen the truth. I would recommend Matthew Brackens’ :
Tet, Take Two: Islam’s 2016 European Offensive
A scary, prescient view of the future, probably everywhere. Written November 2015, just before the Paris attacks.
I agree with Panhandler Rancher, ‘they’ are initiating the Cloward-Piven strategy upon
the public. Cause the problem, help with the reaction and then provide their solution to the problem they caused. Classic Alinsky thinking.
Personally I feel that Islamism is more an ideology rather than a religion and has no legitimate use other than to enslave the nonbelievers for whatever purpose. It is not an enlightened religion in any fashion. It seeks to empower brutish thugs and give them a sense of legitimacy when they act in barbaric fashion, nothing more, when they are in fact, just criminals. And to those who say most practioners of Islam are peaceful, well their sence of decency is overshadowed by the radicals within their fold. Check out this link of ACT for America, Brigitte Gabriels’ ” Why Peaceful Muslims are Irrelevant” :
courtesy of Bill Stills’ site, another great source of truth in the land of lies.
Thats all.
Also, please look at Ann Corcorans’ site “Refugee Resettlement Watch” and learn about
the scheme being perpetrated across America in the name of ‘diversity and humanity”
ok, now I am finished.
It’s not towels they wear on their head it’s little sheets… That’s why I call them ‘Little Sheet Heads’… have plenty of spam to wipe your bullets with…
Well thought out and written.
Thanks socal_expat.
Hi JR and everyone else,
Below is a link that actually tells you exactly what Muslims believe from the radical to the ones we see every day. I only know this to be fact from speaking with someone who was once Muslim and is now Christian. This site actually speaks on what the Koran says along with the other two books in the “trilogy”. Hope it helps.
Sorry forgot the link it is
Thanks Firestina.
There is an old saying that the east is the east and the west is the west and never the twain shall meet. Well folks that twain has met and we live at that intersection.
I believe God loves all of His creation and know that I am but a fallen man. I see a snake and if classified as dangerous, off with its head. The problem is sorting the snakes from among the Muslim religion – and if I cannot do so reliably, I expand the sort to the whole class of snakedom. This is central to my view that we should exclude the Muslim from this land.
In the past, immigrants such as the German, Irish, Japanese, Chinese, sought citizenship and acclimatization within the US; of which learning English and our laws was central. We now see the Mexican and Islamic peoples seeking to maintain their own culture and language. This is a radical departure from past waves of immigrants and does not bode well for the future. No one ever heard of a mosque in the US when I was a child and a common expression was quite as a church mouse. Now I hear, quiet as a mosque mouse.
Folks I have traveled the levant and dwelled amongst the Muslim. A popular T-shirt in Riyadh proclaims, “I’ve been to the double header at chop chop square.” Want to wager that referred to the Yankees and Orioles?
I am quick to state that there are no doubt decent Muslim adherents. Our problem is sorting the dangerous snakes from the less than dangerous. I submit that until this can be done with certainty, and with certainty that any accepted herein will breed true, then we should simply err on the side of caution and exclude them all.
I lived in Amarillo and saw the Catholic Family Services wholesale importation of peoples from the levant. CFS held classes on how to operate light switches and household appliances. How many generations do you think it will take to make such people good, productive, and trustworthy citizens? You may indeed surmise that I have not bought into any multiculturalism diversity rot.
Again, with no apologies whatsoever.
No apologies needed PR. Thank you for stating the truth. The snake analogy is a good one.
JR Right on- Amen. Lightning